- A person who favors equitable distribution of land. 平均地权论者主张平均分配土地的人
- The equitable distribution of such a loss among concerned parties. 海损分担海损在有关方面之间的平均分担
- A movement for equitable distribution of land and for agrarian reform. 平均地权运动,土地改革为平均分配土地和土地改革而进行的运动
- By a good distribution, not an equal but an equitable distribution must be understood. 所谓合理的配给,并非平均的配给,而是公平的配给。最首要的平等是公正。
- A goal of many public policies, such as the income tax and the welfare system, is to achieve a more equitable distribution of economic well-being. 许多公共政策(例如所得税和福利制度)的目标就是要实现更平等的经济福利分配。
- Land was more equitably distributed. 土地得到更公平合理的分配。
- This means that the clubs must work with district leadership to determine fair and equitable distribution of grant funds. 它意味著扶轮社必须与地区领导一起工作以决定如何公正、公平地使用奖助金经费。
- The dioceses of Iraq are likewise available to offer their structures to contribute to an equitable distribution of humanitarian aid. 伊拉克国内各教区也同样有效的献出他们的建构,协助人道援助的公平分配。
- Government finance should be based on the principle of equitable distribution of the economic burden, which means that those who have money should contribute money. 政府的财政应该放在合理负担即有钱出钱的原则上。
- If buy high-grade lamps and lanterns conditionally, can equitable distribution, this ability is lamp of truly high grade is acted the role of. 若有条件买高档灯具,又能合理布局,这才是真正高品位灯饰。
- Government finance should be based on the principle of equitable distribution of the economic burden,which means that those who have money should contribute money. 政府的财政应该放在合理负担即有钱出钱的原则上。
- All societies, except those dominated by custom, share the same economic goals: maximum output, an equitable distribution of income, and a satisfactory rate of growth. 除那些由风俗习惯主导的社会外,世界上其它所有社会都有着共同的经济目标:生产总值最大化、公平分配收入、以及令人满意的经济增长率。
- The principles of fairness demanded by market economy consist of two: one is equitable distribution in production; the other is fair competition in market. 摘要市场经济活动所需的公平观包括生产领域里的公平分配原则和市场领域里的公平竞争原则。
- We were struggling with the inflation and farm problems, for example, and both of these involved the goal of an equitable distribution of income among groups. 举例来说,我们始终被通货膨胀及农业问题纠缠,而这两个问题都包含了在各群体中公平分配收入这个经济目标。
- He knows he must tweak the constitution to ensure an equitable distribution of oil wealth and to reassure the Sunnis that federalism does not mean the end of Iraq. 他清楚他必须修改宪法来确保对石油财富的公平分配,并使逊尼派明白联邦制并不会意味着伊拉克的终结。
- Socio-economic development, in order to help ordinary people to receive benefits, the cost of reform must be fair burden, reform should be equitable distribution of income. 社会经济的发展,就是要让普通百姓能够得到实惠,改革的成本必须公平负担,改革的收益也应该公平分配。
- For a long time, the development of our resource, particularly, in the coal mining and the equitable distribution of their interest is a serious problem. 长期以来,我国在资源开发尤其是煤炭开采利益的公平分配方面存在严重的问题;
- Unit of equitable distribution operation can make managing stock truckage uses market goods center, reduce content to spread cost, improve exercise efficiency. 合理布局作业单元可以使集货中心节约物料搬运费用,降低物流成本,提高作业效率。
- Land was more equitably distributed . 在植物中胺是广泛分布的。
- The equitable distribution of the financial burden means that "those with money should contribute money",while the peasants should supply the guerrilla units with grain within certain limits. 合理负担即实行“有钱者出钱”,但农民亦须供给一定限度的粮食与游击队。