- Who's the object of Private Equity Investment? 私募股权投资花落谁家?
- The treatment in Analysis of Equity Investments: V. 股票投资分析。
- Mrs.Clemente pioneered private equity investments in China. 克莱门蒂夫人倡导私人资本在中国的投资。
- Baoji Steel Pipe equity investment company, holds 38% of the shares. 公司巨资参股宝鸡钢管,持有38%25的股份。
- Danube Equity Invest Management GmbH 奥地利达卢比股权投资管理公司
- If there are additional investments or disinvestments, the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted. 追加或收回投资应当调整长期股权投资的成本。
- The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses. 初始投资成本包括与取得长期股权投资直接相关的费用、税金及其他必要支出。
- Everest International Investments Limited became an equity investor in Asia Vision Technology Ltd. 首富国际投资有限公司成为亚洲视觉科技有限公司的股东。
- It does not include advances and equity investments made from the Capital Investment Fund. 非经常开支并不包括由资本投资基金支付的垫款及股本投资。
- Weak financial markets private equity investment funds will deal a serious blow to the industry. 疲弱的融资市场将对私人股权投资基金行业带来沉重的打击。
- AHIs diversified group activities include equipment manufacture distribution, properties equity investments. AHI集团广泛涉及机械制造、房地产开发、金融投资等多个行业。
- With the assets is expected to Granville, the first equity investment at least six months to implement. 同威资产预计,他们的第一笔股权投资最少需要6个月才能落实。
- CAGR calculator, very simple code that they wrote to facilitate the use of equity investments friends. 复合增长率计算器,很简单的代码,自己写的,方便股票投资朋友使用。
- Payments from the Capital Investment Fund include advances and equity investments mainly to Trading Funds and government-owned corporations. 从资本投资基金支付的款项,包括主要拨予营运基金及政府所拥有公司的垫款及股本投资。
- If boot is paid, the amount of the long-term equity investment includes the book value of the claim, plus the boot and taxes payable. 支付补价的,按应收债权的账面价值加上支付的补价和应支付的相关税费,作为初始投资成本;
- The equity investment difference should be amortized over the investment period, if any, as stipulated in the investment contract. 未按土地使用权出让合同规定的期限和条件投资开发、利用土地的,土地使用权不得转让。
- In addition, China Ping An announcement has been discontinued by the Group of Fortis Asset Management 50% of the equity investment. 另外,中国平安已公告终止其对富通集团旗下资产管理公司50%25股权的投资。
- AIP is a private equity investment firm that applies an operational approach to building and improving middle-market companies. AIP是一家私人股权投资公司,通过应用一种可操作的方法,以创建和完善中等市场的公司。
- Founded in 1998, ICV Capital Partners is a private investment firm focused on making equity investments in America's smaller middle-market companies. 创建于1998年,ICV资本公司是一家私募股权公司侧重于对美国规模较小的中端市场中的公司进行股权投资。