- Systems' nonlinear equations of motion are set up firstly, and then linearized by stochastic equivalent linearization method. 随后运用随机等效线性化理论将其线性化;
- By combining equivalent linearization method with harmonic balancing technique, the approximate analytic response was obtained. 将等效线性化法与谐波平衡法相结合,求出了系统的近似解析响应。
- the equivalent linearization method 等效线性化方法
- An equivalent linear method considering frequency-dependent soil properties for seismic response analysis 水平土层地震反应分析考虑频率相关性的等效线性化方法
- The Study of Equivalent Linear Method of Seismic Reduction Energy Consumption System 减震耗能系统等效线性化方法研究
- Equivalent Linearization Method of Nonlinear Vibration Problem 非线性振动问题等效线性化研究
- equivalent linearity method 等效线性化方法
- equivalent linear method 等效线性化
- A Note on the Equivalent Linearization Method for One-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear Oscilaters 关于单自由度非线性谐迫振动等效线性化方法的注记
- Comparison of Equivalent Linearization Methods for Inelastic Structures 弹塑性结构等效线性化方法的对比研究
- The linearized equation is addressed by the harmonic balance method and the equivalent linear stiffness of the nonlinear stiffness is obtained. 线性化俯仰方向的自由振动方程,用谐波平衡法求解该线性化方程,得到了改进的等效线性刚度。
- equivalent linearization method 等效线性化
- Fisher algorithm is an effective linear method that can be used at many cases for classfication. 费歇算法是一种优良的线性判决方法,适用于很多分类场合。
- The equivalent linearization results obtained by probabilistic method are inducted to treat landing gear non linear parameters such as shock absorber air spring force, hydraulic damping and Coulomb friction, tire stiffness and damping. 引入了概率平均意义上的当量线性化方法 ,用该方法处理了起落架缓冲器空气弹簧、油液阻尼和库仑摩擦力以及轮胎刚度和阻尼等非线性参数。
- SDN results from the complicated and chaos environment.Therefore, it is not scientific to study SDN's non-linear feature by the way of linear method. SDN是复杂多变的混沌环境下的产物,用线性系统的管理方法来研究非线性SDN系统是不科学的。
- Equivalent linear computational method 等效线性化
- Mathematical model of gas networks hydraulic calcu lation by node method is introduced,and hydraulic calculation is done by linear method. 介绍了采用燃气管网节点法水力计算的数学模型,运用线性化法进行水力计算。
- equivalent linear expansion coefficient method 等效线胀系数法
- First, with the local linear method, the coefficient functions of the model are estimated, and then, with the integration method, their integrations are estimated. 首先,使用局部线性方法给出模型的系数函数的初始估计;然后使用积分方法,给出它们的积分估计;
- Calculating results show that the assumption of equivalent linearization is rational and feasible. 结果表明,采用等效线性化的假设是合理可行的。