- koum (撒哈拉)沙质沙漠
- 撒哈拉Sahara
- 撒哈拉沙漠Sahara
- 喀新风从三月底到五月初从撒哈拉沙漠上吹来的席卷埃及的热南风A generally southerly hot wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt from late March to early May.
- 撒哈拉是一片广袤无垠的沙漠。The Sahara is a vast expanse of desert.
- 我们听他们讲述撒哈拉沙漠的生活经历。We listened to their tales about life in the Sahara Desert.
- 一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。a member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.
- 撒哈拉沙漠面积约为三百万平方哩。The Sahara covers an area of about three million square miles.
- 撒哈拉以南非洲Sub-Saharan Africa
- 撒哈拉大沙漠the Sahara desert
- "撒哈拉"这个名字使人想起干旱的沙漠情景。The name Sahara conjures up images of a desert of aridity.
- 完成穿越撒哈拉沙漠后他从非洲回到德国。He returned to Germany from Africa after crossing the Sahara.
- 撒哈拉的男人A Man Without the Occident
- 撒哈拉语族Saharan group
- 撒哈拉解放阵线Front de liberation du Sahara
- 撒哈拉南部的非洲地区。the region of Africa south of the Sahara Desert.
- 据人们记忆,直到1979年2月18日撒哈拉沙漠才第一次下雪。In living memory it was not until February 18, 1979, that snow fell on the Sahara.
- 种在撒哈拉沙漠Plant in the Sahara Desert
- 撒哈拉解放阵线;FLCS; Front de liberation du Sahara;
- 撒哈拉乾旱的沙漠.the arid wastes of the Sahara