- Apply the principles of ergonomics and human engineering to the design of jobs, workplaces, and the total work environment. 依据人机工程原理,并将其应用于岗位设置、车间和工作环境的布置。
- Suiting human engineering whe users adjust vilrating amplitude. 合乎人体工学之机台振幅调整方式。
- The slightly leaning-forward design is fit for human engineering and thus makes you feel easy and comfortable when using the touch screen. 再加上其略微前倾的机身设计,更符合人体工程学,使您查询起来轻松惬意,亲切自然。
- Effects of human engineering activities on permafrost active layer and its environment in northern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. 人类工程活动对青藏高原北部多年冻土融化层及其环境的影响
- With its human engineering, Watt partly powers itself: The better the music, the more people dance, the more electricity comes out of the floor. 靠这种人力工程,瓦特舞厅所需电力部分自行供应:音乐越好,大夥跳得越起劲,地板发的电越多。
- It is easy to operate with manual and automatic foot scanning which is designed according to aesthetics human engineering. 源于美学和人体工程学的设计,兼具手动和自动扫描脚型,操作非常方便。
- So that, Hualian computer table keeps higher market share and sales increasing constantly, being the bright spot of human engineering computer table all the times. 正因为如此,华联电脑台一直保持极高的市场占有率和销售增长,始终是人体工学电脑台的亮点。
- This paper briefly describes the fundamental content of automotive cab human engineering research as well as the design of automotive cab human engineering arrangement. 本文简要地介绍了汽车室内人体工程研究的基本内容,阐述了有关汽车室内人体工程布置设计的基本方法。
- Geological structures and lithologic characters are complex, human engineering activities are very frequent and strong, which incurs geologic disasters. 灵宝市地质灾害种类繁多,分布广泛,主要有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷及地裂缝等;
- Analogously, we can see that nearly all of the optimization power of human engineering must have already been exerted in coming up with good designs to test. 当然,也有个别蒙混过关,获得了认证,后来又被发现有其它“劣迹”而除名的。
- Dr.Johnson O Connor of the Human Engineering Laboratory of Boston and of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken,New Jersey,gave a vocabulary test to 100 young men who were studying to be industrial executives. 约翰逊·欧·康纳博士为波士顿的人才管理实验室和新泽西州霍博肯市的史蒂文斯理工学院工作,他曾对100名学工业行政管理的年青人做过一次词汇测试。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Dr. Johnson O'Connor of the Human Engineering Laboratory of Boston and of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, gave a vocabulary test to 100 young men who were studying to be industrial executives. 约翰逊·奥康纳博士,波士顿人事管理研究室和新泽西州霍博肯的史蒂文斯技术学院的学者,曾给100名即将成为工业行政主管的年轻学生进行了一次词汇测验。
- Dr.Johnson O'Connor of thee Human Engineering Laboratory of Boston and of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, gave a vocabulary test to 100 young men who were studying to be industrial executives. 约翰逊·欧·康纳博士为波士顿的人才管理实验室和新泽西州霍博肯市的史蒂文斯理工学院工作,他曾对100名学工业行政管理的年青人做过一次词汇测试。
- At last we came to the chapter on ergonomics. 我们终于念到了人类工程学这一章。
- In the production field, there are many more interoperability issues that need to be considered by human engineers. 在产品领域,仍有需要被工程师考虑的许多互操作性问题。
- In terms of the regional perspective, the distribution characteristics of ground collapse are controlled by topography and geomorphology, geological structures, groundwater, karst development level, covering layers and human engineering activities. 从区域上看,地面塌陷的分布特征受地形地貌、地质构造、地下水作用特征、岩溶发育程度、覆盖层条件和人类工程活动等的控制。
- Humanized designed is a comprehensive design idea that beyond the general aesthetic meaning, for example, human engineering, scale and comfort, etc. 人性化设计是超越人体工学、尺度和舒适度等一般审美意识意义的综合设计理念,是一种更贴近人性需求,更注重关爱与人情的设计意识。
- Dr.Johnson O';Connor of the Human Engineering Laboratory of Boston and of the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, gave a vocabulary test to100 young men who were studying to be industrial executives. 约翰逊·欧·康纳博士为波士顿的人才管理实验室和新泽西州霍博肯市的史蒂文斯理工学院工作,他曾对100名学工业行政管理的年青人做过一次词汇测试。
- According to human engineering principle, the appearance design of this machine is exquisite.The shank has knead head the waist and big foot have eight electric hammers altogether. 该机根据人体工程学原理,外型设计精美,颈部设置揉捏头,背腰、大腿部共设八个电锤。