- eroding state assets 侵害国有资产
- The state asset sales to private in the water field spread quickly. 水行业出售国有资产现象逐渐蔓延。
- In restructuring and reorganizing enterprises, we must prevent the loss of state assets and evasion of bank debts. 在企业重组改组中,必须防止国有资产流失和逃废银行债务。
- These measures are important for improving management in enterprises and preventing loss of state assets. 这些对促进企业改善经营管理,防止国有资产流失,发挥了重要作用。
- In restructuring and reorganizing enterprises,we must prevent the loss of state assets and evasion of bank debts. 在企业重组改组中,必须防止国有资产流失和逃废银行债务。
- The State assets in a school or any other institution of education shall be owned by the State. 学校及其他教育机构中的国有资产属于国家所有。
- He is accused of embezzling state assets, accepting bribes, forgery and money-laundering. 陈水扁被指控为挪用”国家资产”,受贿,以及造假帐,洗黑钱。
- However, its implementation also appeared, such as loss of state assets, unfair trade issue, it is to be resolved. 但是其在实施中也出现了诸如国有资产流失、交易不公平等问题,兹待解决。
- Meanwhile, we should improve the internal management system and prevent the devaluation of state assets. 要采取从改组、联合、兼并、租赁、承包经营和股份合作制、出售等形式,加快搞活国有小企业的步伐。
- Critics grumble that it will protect former officials who bought state assets at give-away prices in rigged privatisations. 批评的意见是,这部法律将保护那些前政府官员,他们操控私有化进程(:企业改制)以极低的抛售价格收购了国有资产。
- Zhongxingxin has already become a listed company with state assets jumping to 100 million yuan, whose share price is in the forefront among 900 listed companies nationwide. 该公司已经改制为上市公司,国有资产从153万元猛增至1亿多元,其股价在全国近900家上市公司中位居前列。
- He launched the strike to protest his detention on charges of graft, bribery, illegal possession of state assets, and other offenses. 他开始禁食以抗议以贪污、受贿、非法获取**财产和其他罪行罪名收押他。
- Meanwhile, the country's State assets watchdog has ordered a probe into the salary growth of employees of State-owned enterprises. 同时,国家国有资产监管人命令探查国有企业的员工工资增长情况。
- The city is considering breakthroughs in 5 aspects in a bid to accelerate SOE reform and state asset regrouping. 部分市管国企将探索试行外部董事长制度,同时取消企业领导人员的行政级别,不再保留公务员身份。
- Zhongxingxin has already become a listed company with state assets jumping to 100 million yuan,whose share price is in the forefront among 900 listed companies nationwide. 该公司已经改制为上市公司,国有资产从153万元猛增至1亿多元,其股价在全国近900家上市公司中位居前列。
- Investment related to state shareholder of listed companies shall accord with the related provisions on state asset management. 涉及上市公司国有股股东的,应符合国有资产管理的相关规定。
- Sources said the move could be connected to bribery charges levelled against two former senior sports officials in the province and an attempt to privatise state assets. 知情者透露,该行动可能涉及向该省两名前高级体育官员行贿,并企图私有化国有资产。
- Therefore, there are necessary to establish a supervision and restraint system to prevent it to be worsening, and prevented the state asset drains. 因此,国企经营者监督约束机制的建立是防止这些现象进一步泛滥,防止国有资产进一步流失的有效措施。
- The Taipei District Court judge today (Wednesday) sent Mr. Chen to a detention center over allegations of graft, bribery, illegal possession of state assets, and other offenses. 台北地区法庭的法官星期三裁定将陈水扁送往羁留中心,指控是贪污、贿赂、非法拥有国家财产和其他罪行。
- Chinese-foreign joint or cooperative ventures involving State assets should also accept the supervision of managing and auditorial departments of State assets. 有国有资产的中外合资企业、中外合作企业,还应接受国有资产管理、审计机关的监督。