- We must criticize this erroneous view. 我们必须批评这种错误思想。
- There are two erroneous views on this subject among Christians. 基督徒在这问题上有两种错误的观点。
- Taking up the challenge,he wrote an article to refute his erroneous views. 他接受挑战,写了一篇文章驳斥他的错误观点。
- It is for this reason that I often refer to erroneous views in this pamphlet. 我在这本小册子中时常提到错误方面的意见,就是为了这个目的。
- Taking up the challenge, he wrote an article to refute his erroneous views. 他接受挑战,写了一篇文章驳斥他的错误观点。
- We encourage people to say all they know and say it without reserve, to speak the truth and to correct erroneous views. 我们还是提倡“知无不言,言无不颈,说老实话,说错了纠正。
- Erroneous views may crop up during discussions, but that is nothing to be afraid of. 讨论当中可能会出来一些错误的意见,也不可怕。
- Erroneous views may crop up during discussions,but that is nothing to be afraid of. 讨论当中可能会出来一些错误的意见,也不可怕。
- We encourage people to say all they know and say it without reserve,to speak the truth and to correct erroneous views. 我们还是提倡“知无不言,言无不颈,说老实话,说错了纠正”。
- Epistemologically speaking, the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question. (八)战争问题中的唯心论和机械论的倾向,是一切错误观点的认识论上的根源。
- I was shocked by such a response, and I know that erroneous views similar to this can be heard everywhere. 这种回答让我震惊,我知道这种错误的观点随处都可听到。
- Those who cling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism. 对于确属坚持错误意见和无理要求的人,要给以批评教育。
- I have to admit too that many westerners hold prejudices and erroneous views about China. 我不得不承认,现在有太多西方人对中国的看法出现偏颇或错误。
- You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views. 你应该老老实实地反躬自省, 找出你这些错误观点的根源。
- According to the "two-whatevers" viewpoint,we should adhere,without the slightest change,to Comrade Mao's erroneous views in his later years. “两个凡是”的观点就是想原封不动地把毛泽东同志晚年的错误思想坚持下去。
- Epistemologically speaking,the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question. 战争问题中的唯心论和机械论的倾向,是一切错误观点的认识论上的根源。
- Erroneous views must be repudiated root and branch with no quarter given, but these individuals should be permitted to reserve their opinions. 错误的言论一定要批判干净,这是不能留情的,但应允许他们保留自己的意见。
- According to the "two-whatevers" viewpoint, we should adhere, without the slightest change, to Comrade Mao's erroneous views in his later years. “两个凡是”的观点就是想原封不动地把毛泽东同志晚年的错误思想坚持下去。
- Based on this close reading, the paper also corrects previous scholars' erroneous views, such as those of Xia Chengtao's in his Wen Feiqing xinian (Chronology of Wen Feiqing). 又如本文检视夏承焘、顾学颉告等前贤旧说。觉得他们堂庑虽大,疏失不免,以鼓励后学者对问题深探细索、推陈出新的学术态度。
- But there are two categories of erroneous views, one comprising fundamental, and therefore consistent, errors which are hard to correct, and the other comprising accidental, and therefore temporary, errors which are easy to correct. 但是人们的错误观点可分为两类:一类是根本的错误,带一贯性,这是难于纠正的;另一类是偶然的错误,带暂时性,这是易于纠正的。