- A cyclic check code used to check and correct the burst error appeared in the transmission procedure of binary information sequence. It is one of the error check codes in common use for computer disc memory. 用来检查、纠正二进制信息序列在传输过程中出现的突发错误的一种循环校验码,它是计算机磁盘存储器常用的错误校验码之一。
- error checking and correction (ECC) 检错与纠错,错误检验和纠正
- memory error checking and correction 存储器差错校验
- ECC Error Checking and Correcting 错误侦测校正
- error checking and correcting system 差错校验系统
- Development of Error Checking and Correction Module of NC Program in Collision Detection System of Numerical Control Lathe 数控车床碰撞检测系统中NC程序检错与纠错模块的开发
- Error Correction Codes or Error Check and Correction: The Data Matrix code can be printed in 15 error correction levels 纠错码或错误检测和纠正:数据矩阵代码可在15级纠错系统中打刻
- error checking and correction 误差检验与校正
- error check and correction 差错检验与纠正
- a cyclic check code used to check and correct the burst error appeared in the transmission procedure of binary information sequence. It is one of the error check codes in common use for computer disc memory 用来检查、纠正二进制信息序列在传输过程中出现的突发错误的一种循环校验码,它是计算机磁盘存储器常用的错误校验码之一
- In a production application, you would add error checking and exception handling to these methods. 在成品应用程序中,将向这些方法添加错误检查和异常处理功能。
- If reliability is required for some reason, these applications can provide error checking and retransmission requests. 如果因为某些原因要求要考虑到可靠性,这些程序会提供纠错和重发。
- error checking and correcting 误差校验
- Please check over your work and correct any mistakes. 请把作业检查一遍,把错误改正。
- Our Party is a great, glorious and correct Party. 我们的党是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党。
- Start with long tones. Play a chromatic scale for the full range of the instrument in long tones, taking the time to check and correct each note's intonation. 首先以长音开始,以饱满的音色演奏乐器音域内的每一个音。慢慢去体会并确保每个音的音准。
- Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement. 彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。
- The example does not contain error checking and does not include checks for business rules, such as guaranteeing that order numbers are not duplicated between tables. 示例。此示例不包含错误检查以及业务规则检查,例如确保订单号在各个表之间不重复。
- Please check over the speech draft and correct the mistakes, if any. 请把讲演稿检查一遍,如果有错误,请改正过来。
- She go forward a few yards, checked and turn back. 她向前走了几码,突然停住脚步又返回来。