- But if you are unable to access your data due to this issue, Seagate will provide free data recovery services. 但是,如果您无法访问您的数据,由于这一问题,希捷将提供免费的数据恢复服务。
- So what exactly is data recovery? 到底做数据恢复?
- A free data sheet on the LCR is now available. 免费数据表的比例现已。
- Here we are on the data recovery hard disk page. 在这里我们硬盘数据恢复页。
- Ibas Data Recovery can help you! 我们可以帮助您重新拾回您的数据!
- COM.BB]CBL Data Recovery Technologies, Inc. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [CBLTECH.
- Predefined protocols make set-up quick, easy and error free. 预定义的协议作出的设立是快速,容易和错误的自由。
- Want to know more about hard drive data recovery services? 想知道更多关于硬盘数据恢复服务?
- However, data recovery services can do more than that. 但是数据恢复服务可以做更多。
- The TCP protocol is responsible for an error free connection between two computers, while the IP protocol is responsible for the data packets sent over the network. tcp协议用于在两台电脑之间进行无错连接,而IP协议用于在网络中发送数据包。
- However, data recovery services cannot perform miracles. 但是数据恢复服务不能创造奇迹。
- This post is all about drive data recovery services. 这是怎么一回事后驾驶数据恢复服务。
- Specify the location of the backup data to use for data recovery. 指定用于数据故障恢复的备份数据的位置。
- High-speed erasure by BDC+ makes data recovery impossible. 使用BDC+可以高速擦除数据,并且数据恢复是不可能的。
- Kernel Solaris supports UFS File System for data recovery. 内核的的Solaris支持ufs文件系统的数据恢复。
- Lawspirit does not represent or warrant that the Products will operate without interruption or will be error free. Lawspirit不声明或保证产品会无中断或无差错地运作。
- In data communications,a flow control algorithm in which the sending host awaits acknowledgement,from the receiving host,that error free frames have been received before transmitting further frames. 数据通信技术中的一种数据流控制算法,按此算法,发送中主机在传送下一帧之前必须等待接收主机的确认信号以确认接收主机收到了无错误的帧。
- The good news is data recovery, more often than not, is still possible. 好消息是数据恢复,往往不是仍有可能。
- But the crayfish tail circuit, more redundant than it perhaps needed to be, was error free. 但是,小龙虾的尾部回路,尽管也许比它真正需要的要繁冗,可却是没有错误的。
- It has worked for me, but I do not give you any warranty, that it is error free. 在我这工作得很好,但是我不能给你任何担保,这是过失自由。