- erythema venenatum [医] 中毒性红斑
- What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?
- Swelling and erythema receded after a few days. 水肿和红斑也于用药很少几天后减轻了。
- What reason is my pudenda and glans have erythema? 我的阴部和龟头有红斑是什么原因?
- Does erythema grow on tortoise body how? 乌龟身上长红斑怎么了?
- Malignant erythema prompts a bad prognosis. 恶性红斑提示预后不良。
- Erythema grew on two tactics ancon, how to do? 两手肘上长了红斑,怎么办?
- Major effects are erythema and ulceration of the skin. 主要的病徵是皮肤红肿,溃疡及坏死。
- How did some of erythema rise suddenly to do all round the eye? 眼睛周围突然的起了些红斑怎么办?
- Why on my body often ineffable the erythema since its second? 为什么我身上老是莫名其秒起红斑?
- The most often side effects were local mild erythema and erosion. 最常见的不良反应为局部轻度红肿、糜烂。
- Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? 妊娠股臀红斑:一种新的妊娠皮肤病?
- Frequently, early in the disease, the skin is discolored by a marked erythema. 常在疾病早期,皮肤因有明显的红疹而变色。
- How can polymorphous erythema just effect a radical cure? Be agog! ! ! 多形红斑怎么才能根治?急切!!!
- Ultraviolet radiation may result in skin changes, such as erythema, photoaging. 紫外线辐射可造成皮肤损伤,引起皮肤出现红斑、光老化等。
- Opera skin itch, after papules, erythema and herpes, who re-festering, fester. 皮肤剧痒,后出现丘疹、疱疹及红斑,重者化脓、溃烂。
- Annually recurring erythema annulare centrifugum: A distinct entity? 每年复发一次的离心性环状红斑:一种特殊的病变?
- External examination revealed erythema, warmth, eyelid edema, marked proptosis, conjunctival chemosis and complete ophthalmoplegia in the right eye. 外眼检查发现右眼红、热、眼睑肿胀、明显凸眼、结膜水肿以及完全眼肌瘫痪。
- Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tenderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema. 伤口感染的局部征象是疼痛,压痛,肿胀,发热,以及红斑。
- Eczema is now used for describing skin lesions where, on a basis of erythema, papules, vesicles, oedema and scaling arise. 湿疹用来指以红疹为基础而起发的丘疹、疱疹、水肿和鳞癣等皮肤病变。