- The blood coursed through the arteries. 血液在动脉血管中循环。
- esophageal arteries 食管动脉, 胸主动脉食管支
- esophageal arteries, inferior 食管下动脉, 胃左动脉食管支
- inferior esophageal arteries 食管下动脉, 胃左动脉食管支
- The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China. 长江是中国的交通要道之一。
- Have suffered from esophageal sarcoma in the neck. 诊断为颈部的食管平滑肌肉瘤。
- Pulmonary arteries taper towards periphery. 肺动脉向周围逐渐变细。
- How do esophageal detector devices work? 食道探测设备是如何工作的?
- Esophageal carcinoma is also accompanied by GERD. 食管癌患者同时存在GERD;
- This is where the three main arteries meet. 这是三条主要干线汇合的地方。
- Acid Reflux Linked to Esophageal Cancer? 酸逆流与食道癌有关?
- This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic meet. 这是伦敦西区三条主要干线会合的地方。
- How do esophageal detector deices work? 食道探测设备是如何工作的?
- Esophageal cancer is a common disease in Taiwan. 摘要食道癌是台湾地区常见的疾病。
- What is transposition of the great arteries? 什么是大动脉转位?
- Esophageal carcinoma is a common malignancy. 食管癌是常见的恶性肿瘤。
- A blockage in the arteries could be very dangerous. 动脉阻塞是很危险的。
- What causes transposition of the great arteries? 什么引起大动脉转位?
- He suffered a blockage in one of his arteries. 他的其中一条动脉发生了阻塞。
- Arteries give off many branches. 动脉分出许多支脉。