- One day the United States will have to establish diplomatic relations with us. 总有一天,美国要跟我们建交。
- We have established diplomatic relations with the newly independent nations. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。
- Thirty years ago, a series of international ping-pong matches helped China establish diplomatic relations with the U.S. 三十年前,一系列国际乒乓球赛使中美建交。
- After Polk became president, he sent a representative to Mexico to try to establish diplomatic relations again. 在波尔克就任总统后,他派遣一位代表到墨西哥,设法再次与墨西哥建立外交关系。
- Since the establish diplomatic relations between China and USA, people's intercourse get more and more winden. 很明显中美在教育领域的交流与合作还有巨大的空间.
- They have established diplomatic relations with that country. 他们已经同那个国家建立了外交关系。
- As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Peking. 如果我们想同北京建立外交关系,原则上我们必须同台湾断绝关系。
- We have established diplomatic relations with many countries. 我们已和许多国家建立了外交关系。
- As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. 如果我们想同北京建立外交关系,原则上我们必须同台湾断绝关系。
- The section one reviews the situation economy and trade" s interflow before China and Korea establish diplomatic relations. 第一章回顾了建交前中韩两国经贸交流的简况。
- President Bush has responded affirmatively to a request from Kosovo to establish diplomatic relations between our two countries. 布什总统已经同意了科索沃关于美科两国建立外交关系的请求。
- After a century of hostility, Turkey and Armenia promised to establish diplomatic relations and reopen the border between them. 经过一个世纪的冷战,土耳其和阿美尼亚承诺建立外交关系并重新开放两国边界。
- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Bush "has responded affirmatively" to Kosovo's request to establish diplomatic relations. 塞尔维要挟说要召回所有与科索沃建立外交关系的国家的大使,但表示不会与这些国家断交。
- We have establish diplomatic relation with the newly independent nation. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。
- After being establish diplomatic relations,between American citizen and Chinese citizen's communication become more and more. 中美两国建交以来;人民之间的交往不断扩大.
- We have established diplomatic relations with the newly independentnations. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。
- September 9, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that Russia with South Ossetia and Abkhazia to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. 9月9日,俄外长拉夫罗夫宣布,俄同南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹建立大使级外交关系。
- It established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of Mongolia and reached an agreement on the boundaries between the two countries. 中国同蒙古人民共和国建立了外交关系,达成了协议,划定了边界。
- We have established diplomatic relation with the newly independent nation. 我们已与那个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。
- It is ready to establish diplomatic relations with all foreign governments that are willing to abide by the principles of equality,mutual benefit and mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty. 凡愿遵守平等、互利及互相尊重领土主权等项原则的任何外国政府,本政府均愿与之建立外交关系。