- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。
- Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. 主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题; 杂乱无章的
- The establishment of that school took five years. 兴建那所学校花了五年的时间。
- The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects. 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。
- Li: What kind of subjects do you usually teach? 李:那你通常教哪类课程呢?。
- British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire. 英国的殖民主义成就了幅员辽阔的大英帝国。
- The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects. 大学文科包括的科目非常广泛。
- We talked of all sorts of subjects. 我们谈了各种话题。
- They went cahoots in the establishment of the firm. 他们合伙开了这间公司。
- Covering a wide field of subjects;rambling. 主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题;杂乱无章的
- The discussion covered a wide range of subjects. 讨论题目涉及很广泛。
- The establishment of a corporation's existence. 公司法则公司赖以存在的法则
- His interests spanned a wide range of subjects. 他的兴趣涉及广泛的学科。
- Indexes cover all sorts of subjects. 索引涉及各式各样的主题。
- The encyclopedia covers a wide range of subjects. 这本百科全书的辐射面可真广!
- Do you support the establishment of no-take zone? 你赞成设立禁捕区吗?
- We've covered a wide range of subjects today. 我们今天讨论了一系列广泛的课题。
- They used their savings for the establishment of the business. 他们把积蓄化在创办生意上。
- The lectures covered a lot of subjects. 这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛。
- Establishment of a World of Warcraft Account. 魔兽世界帐户的创立。