- What Aesthetic Principle is Kant's Principle of "Judgment"? 康德"判断力"原理是怎样的美学原理?
- Poetry should have poetic beauty, and prose should have prosaic beauty-this is one of the basic an esthetics principles. 摘要诗应该讲究诗美,散文应该讲究散文美,这是基本的美学原则之一。
- The “unity” is the aesthetics principle for all of the art forms, including teleplay. 艺术的“整一性”是所有艺术形式的美学原则,电视剧也是如此。
- I affirms that Lin Yutang"s aesthetic principle of mean is multiplicate factors and supplement. 第五章从审美的角度切人,确认了林语堂中庸式的审美原则即多元和互补。
- Under the uncertain aesthetics principle, the novels of Barthelme display the distinct characteristics of game and carnivalization. 在后现代语境下,巴塞尔姆的作品从创作方法上看主要体现了解构主义艺术思维策略的运用和狂欢化美学效果的追求。
- In addition,the accuracy of information must stand up to the three criteria of aesthetic principle: artistic conception,emotion and styl... 如果不能传达,则应转换信息的表达方式,因为只有这样才能作到“信”“美”兼备。
- Then, the paper anatomizes the multiple impact of LiJinfa's aesthetic style, via analyzing LiHe's aesthetic style and Baudelaire's aesthetic principle. 接着,文章分析了晚唐五代诗歌的审美风格和波德莱尔诗歌的美学原则,分别分析它们对李金发审美风格的影响。
- Under the influence British empirical of aesthetics, Immanuel Kant established aesthetic disinterestedness as an aesthetic principle. 在英国经验派美学的影响下,康德将“审美无利害”确立为一种美学原则。
- We usually interpret writers and works aesthetically and historically i.e., according to aesthetic principle, historical principle and that of particularization. 通常采用美学的历史的方法阐释作家作品,这方法包含相互关联的三项基本原则,即美学原则、历史原则和具体分析原则。
- We usually interpret writers and works aesthetically and historically i. e., according to aesthetic principle, historical principle and that of particularization. 通常采用美学的历史的方法阐释作家作品,这方法包含相互关联的三项基本原则,即美学原则、历史原则和具体分析原则。
- It was said : "Construction is Frozen Music." Store in the decoration decoration, such as aesthetic principle, there is a basic design concepts and basis. 有人说:“建筑是凝固的音乐”。在居室内的装修装饰中,如以美学为原则,便有了基本的设计思想和依据。
- Nie: How about the aesthetic principles and writing rules of this school? 聂:那么语言诗派的美学原则和写作规则又如何呢?
- It argues that Kuso-movies try to resist the mainstream cultural form and the classicism aesthetic principle and are the outcome of contemporary recreational aesthetic culture. 文章认为,恶搞短片的出现在于对主流文化形态以及对古典主义美学原则的“抵抗”。它是当代审美文化普遍娱乐化的结果,在一定程度上反映了当代民间影像传播蓬勃兴起的趋势。
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- The unbelief of God is our principle. 不信仰上帝是我们的原则。
- Your behavior does not accord with your principle. 你的行为与你的原则不符。
- The aesthetic principles of aesthetic consciousness are person-oriented, harmonious, zoology-centered,artistry ambit. 审美意识指向的审美原则是:天人合一、人为中心原则,和谐原则,生态中心转向,“庖丁解牛”的高远艺术境界。
- It will be against my principle to lie to you. 对你说假话是违背我的行为准则的。
- "Sprinkle endure" both food and the production methods meet Zhuangzi "Nature, the principles of" philosophical aesthetic principles. “小炒熬”无论菜品和制作方法都符合庄子“返朴归真、道法自然”的哲学美学原则。