- pro forma cost 估计费用
- We only supply that account on pro forma. 就估价单找我们只能供给那样的帐单。
- Great! Let's send the pro forma off today. 太好了!让我们今天就把形式发票寄出去。
- They answered my letter pro forma. 他们例行公事地给我回了信。
- It was merely a pro forma meeting; the real business had already been discussed. 这只是形式上的会议,真正的议题早已讨论过了。
- Displays the estimated cost of a query. 显示查询的估计开销。
- Enclosed you will find a bill of lading for this wine, and an invoice, pro forma, as you are not limited as to the price. 关于葡萄酒,我们同函寄上提单以及发票,请查收为荷。发票部分由于贵公司并未给予我公司限价,故改为估价。
- What are its specs,estimated cost,and testing? 产品的规格预估成本及测试为何?
- I enclose a pro forma for you to complete, sign and return. 谨附估价单一份,请填好并签字后寄回。
- Remember that pro forma invoices are formal offers to sell. 请记住形式发票是销售的正式报价形式。
- In this case the pro forma invoice is required for a third party. 这里述及的形式发票是为第三者索取的。
- The estimated cost of all CPU activity for the operation. 用于执行操作的所有CPU活动的估计开销。
- Please send us the pro forma invoice including the air freight. 请将含空运费在内的临时发货单寄给本公司。
- The spokesman said the estimated cost was 5.5 billion dirhams. 所谓“迪拜园”,指的是当地临近波斯湾岸边的一大片沙漠地带。
- Date issued. The date of the pro forma invoice is the date of the quotation. 签发日期,形式发票的签发日期应为报价日期预定装运期。
- Average final estimated cost for an optimized plan in internal cost units. 优化计划的最终平均估计开销,以内部开销单位为单位。
- Therefore, the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account. 因此煤的预计成本借记到存货账户。
- IV. To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost. 四、议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。
- Enclosed you will find a bill of lading for this wine,and an invoice,pro forma,as you are not limited as to the price. 关于葡萄酒,我们同函寄上提单以及发票,请查收为荷。发票部分由于贵公司并未给予我公司限价,故改为估价。
- In the case of installment deliveries, the invoice may be a pro forma invoice in respect of each instalment except the final installment. 货物如分批发运,除末批外,每批发运的发票可以是形式发票。