- Estrange oneself from sb. 跟某人疏远
- estrange oneself from sb 跟(某人)疏远
- estrange oneself from one's friends 使某人跟朋友们疏远
- The women who is keep in touch with several boys will be full of complaints once we estrange from sb. 那些脚踩几条船的女人一旦我们疏远她们就对我们充满怨言抱怨。
- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脱现实是不可能的。
- It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. 人要想超脱现实是办不到的。
- One must not divorce oneself from the masses. 不应该脱离群众。
- estrange oneself from 与
- Is it cowardice to save oneself from persecution? 从迫害中解救自已也叫胆小?
- I got this ticket for free from sb who didn't want it. 我这张票没花钱; 是别人不要的.
- Amuse oneself from happy of three little Arab friends. 自娱自乐的三小阿朋友。
- To move oneself from one location or job to another. 调动使自己调换地方工作。
- Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego. 自我保护的,自卫的不断地保护自己,使自我不受批评,不暴露自己的短处或不受其它真的或可察觉的事威胁自我的
- They were acting on instructions from above (= from sb in a higher position of authority). 他们是在按照上级的指示办事。
- The anxious that accumulate billabong becomes aware notch goes 612 teams take learn from sb else's experience. 积沼愁觉槽口去612队取取经了。
- His behaviour estrange him from his brother. 他的行为使他与哥哥疏远了。
- However we need to forget that to benefit gained from sb's wisdom now, because go as each years, it becomes more truthless. 然而现在我们需要忘掉那个教益,因为随着每一年过去,它都变得更不真实。
- Interestingly,there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest. 有意思的是,一定要拉开和其他人的距离,背后有很多原因。
- Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. 从一天的工作中获得快乐,从照亮笼罩我们的浓雾中获得快乐。
- The synthetic method of antinomy glycolate from Sb 2O 3 and excess HOC 2H 4OH with benzene as water carrying agent was studied by orthogonal experiment design. 以过量的乙二醇与三氧化二锑进行脱水反应,用苯为带水剂将生成的水带出,反应产物通过定性分析证明为乙二醇锑。