- ethical theory construction 理论建设
- More than Socrates and Plato, he bases his ethical theory on what actually goes on around him. 同苏格拉底和柏拉图相比,亚里士多德的伦理学更多地是基于周围实际上所发生的一切。
- Emotivism has aroused more controversy than any other ethical theory proposed in this century. 在20世纪提出的诸种伦理理论中,情绪论引起的争议最大。
- Ethical theory is divided into three fundamental levels: the descriptive, normative, and metaethic approaches. 伦理理论分成三个基本层次:描述法、规范法和转变伦理法。
- Ethical theory is divided into three fundamental levels: the descriptive, normative, and meta-ethic approaches. 伦理理论分成三个层次:描述法、规范法和转变伦理法。
- These second order questions of normative legal theory are a subclass of the more general class of second order questions of moral and ethical theory. 这些规范法理论的二阶问题是更为一般的的道德与伦理理论的二阶问题的的子类。
- The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. 功利主义一种杰瑞米·边沁和詹姆士·穆勒提出的伦理学理论,这种理论认为所有行动须为最大多数人获得最大幸福。
- The purpose, stage and method of ethical education constitute the main contents of American Ethicist Lawrence Kohlbergs ethical theory. 德育目的论、阶段论和方法论是美国道德学家柯尔伯格德育理论的主要内容。
- The core of the Confucian ideology is propriety and benevolence, on which was built the political and ethical theory of Confucianism. 孔子思想体系的核心是“礼”和“仁”,在二者的结合上建立了它的政治伦理学说。
- It gives critic and tries to make efforts into the critic words of contemporary print and theory construction. 分析版画语言与当代艺术语境的关系; 重新审视语言、艺术语言、版画艺术语言的当代性含义;
- Thirdly, it analyzes the challenges and theory construction of livability in Chinese cities. 第三,分析我国城市宜居性的挑战与理论建设的方向。
- Utilitarianism is a kind of ethical theory opposite to virtue ethics. 功利主义是一种与德性主义相对恃的伦理学说。
- After reviewing the respective positions of positivism and relativism, the paper expounds the future developments in SLA theory construction. 本文在对实证主义与相对主义各自的主要观点进行综述的基础上,探讨未来二语习得理论建构的发展趋势。
- He developed an ethical theory independent from theological theories that derive duties from the will of God. 他发展了一种伦理理论,从神学理论中脱离出来。神学理论认为人的责任来自上帝的意愿
- On the other hand, the new historical principle perfects its own theory construction on the bases of certain artistic dissemination arguments. 而新历史主义也正是借用了艺术传播的一些论点和论据来完成自身理论的建构。
- Consideration of the quality of theory construction in marketing is beyond the scope of this essay, and no firm generalizations can be made. 在市场营销领域中,审议理论构造的质量是这篇文章以外的范围,而且不能做出确切的概括。
- And on paper, in ethical theory and in poetic description, nothing was more immutably established than that every marriage is immoral which does not rest on mutual sexual love and really free agreement of husband and wife. 在字面上,在道德理论上以及在诗歌描写上,再也没有比认为不以相互性爱和夫妻真正自由同意为基础的任何婚姻都是不道德的那种观念更加牢固而不可动摇的了。
- Human freedom is the unifying thread of Sartre’s entire ethical theories. 人的自由理论是萨特伦理学全部理论的主线。
- The field investigation is the basic study method of musicology and the way of gaining the firsthand materials and is also the source of theory construction of musicology. 田野调查是音乐人类学的基本研究方法和获取第一手资料的途径,也是音乐人类学理论架构的源泉。
- When the accomplished mode system loses its analytic and admonitory forces, the situation of current theory become the motive force that we think and structure new ethical theories further. 当既成的话语系统缺乏应有的解析力和规导力时,理论的现状就成了我们进一步思考、构建新的道德理念的动力。