- ethmoid curet 筛窦刮匙
- His ethmoid bone was broken in the accident. 他在这次车祸中筛骨骨折。
- Purpose: To report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess. 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。
- Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess. 筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。
- After remoal of the crest, considerable cancellous bone may be obtained by inserting a curet into the cancellous space between the two intact cortices. 在切除髂嵴后,可用刮匙插入髂骨内、外侧皮质骨板间的松质骨间隙中大量刮取松质骨。
- Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation. 手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。
- Objective: To explore anatomical variations of the anterior ethmoid sinus in Chinese people and to provide reference for clinical management. 摘要目的:探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。
- After removal of the crest, considerable cancellous bone may be obtained by inserting a curet into the cancellous space between the two intact cortices. 在切除髂嵴后,可用刮匙插入髂骨内、外侧皮质骨板间的松质骨间隙中大量刮取松质骨。
- Objective To identify and manage the anterior ethmoid sinus overgrowth during dacryocystorhinostomy(DCR). 目的 探讨泪囊鼻腔吻合术 (dacryocystorhinostomy ,DCR)中前筛窦过度发育的处理方法。
- According to the X-ray report, I can say that you are having maxillary sinusitis and ethmoid sinusitis. 根据X线片报告,我可以诊断你患了上颚窦炎和筛窦炎。
- Multiple anomlaies often lead to pansinusitis,of which maxi llary and ethmoid sinusitis were most frequently involved. 多种解剖变异并存时往往同时引起多窦腔炎症,受累最重的是上颌窦其次是筛窦。
- Metthods To be hard set the branch of anterior ethmoid nerve and the mucosa of turbinate by microwave. 方法利用微波行鼻腔筛前神经分支及下鼻甲黏膜凝固术。
- The posterior ethmoid cells are easily identified as they are larger, wider, and fewer in number than anteriorly. 后组筛窦的气房一般大而宽,在数量上也少于前组筛窦,容易确定。
- When disease involves the sphenoid, the sinus can be penetrated either intranasally or through the posterior ethmoid. 当病变累及蝶窦,可以经鼻内和后组筛窦进入蝶窦。
- Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess . 筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。
- Results:The maxillary sinus were involved in 8 cases,ethmoid in 2 cases and frontal sinus in one case. 结论:有慢性上颌窦临床表现而治疗效果不佳;
- The skull base is identified, then the instrument is used to dissect the remaining ethmoid in a retrograde fashion. 识别颅骨,再用器械后退式切除余下的筛窦。
- Method:46 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis were treated with anterior ethmoid nerve surgery. 方法:观察行双侧筛前神经压榨术的常年性鼻炎患者46例的1、3、5、8年的疗效,并进行疗效比较。
- These approaches also provide ac cess to the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses and the sella, and the medial part of the floor of the anterior fossa. 同时,这些入路也可到达蝶窦、筛窦、蝶鞍以及前颅窝底内侧部。
- The tumor also extended to the frontal sinus and sella turcica.Nasal examination showed bulging mucocele from the bilateral ethmoid and sphenoid sinus. 电脑断层检查发现在其双侧筛窦及蝶窦有巨大软组织佔据并且使双侧眼窝壁变形压迫视神经。