- Ethnic background continues to be a factor influencing the affluence of a family. 家庭种族背景仍然是影响家庭经济状况的关键因素。
- Her parents'nationalities are Mexican and Argentinian; her ethnic background includes German and Spanish. 父母分别是德国裔阿根廷人和西班牙裔墨西哥人。
- Whatever their ethnic background, they are almost universally lean and fit from constant travel. 不管他们人种背景如何,他们总是瘦长的,在永恒的旅途中自得其乐。
- No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith. 任何个人都不可以因为民族和宗教信仰的原因而受到辱骂或不公正对待。
- Therefore, the questions must be phrased in a way appropriate to the person's age, ethnic background, and educational level. 所以,必须以适合约谈者的年龄、宗教背景和教育程度的方式采用适当的措辞提问。
- Keywords: split ticket voting, Taipei City elections, party dealignment, ethnic background, checks and balances, strategic voting. 关键词:分裂投票、台北市选举、政党解组、省籍、分立制衡观念、策略投票。
- Thousands of single women are gravitating to sperm bank web sites, where donor profiles can be sorted by medical history, ethnic background and more. 精子库网站越来越受单身女性的欢迎;在网上;捐赠者的资料可根据医疗史;民族背景及其他情况来分类.
- Our school has students from different ethnic backgrounds. 学校的学生有着不同的种族背景。
- The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers. 不管年龄、性别、宗教、经济地位和种族背景有什么不同,把所有人团结在一起的,就是在这些因素之内,我们所有人都相信,我们是在普通人众之上的。
- The includes not rejecting a rental application based on discrimination grounds listed in the Human Rights Code, including disability, race, skin colour ethnic background, or sexual orientation etc. 房东不能违反人权法案,拒绝包括身患残疾,不同种族,肤色或民族背景,性取向等各类可能遭人权歧视的人士的求租要求。
- Rather he/she is an amalgamation of different ethnic backgrounds and different kinds of experiences. 在这群人中有些人自称为‘第三文化的孩子们’。
- Interethnic communication refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds. 民族间的交流指同一个种族但并非相同民族的人们之间的交流。
- The men and women ranged in age from 17 to 26, were heterosexual, from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and were not using hormonal contraception. 年龄范围在17对26之间的男性和女性是异性恋的,来自许多种种族背景且不用激素避孕。
- When you have a college education,you're likely to be in a milieu where there will be people of all kinds of ethnic backgrounds,and that increases the chances of marrying someone different from your own ethnic background. 接受大学教育时,你有可能处在能接触各种民族背景的人的环境中。这样,和异族通婚的机率加大了。李自己就是一例。
- If you travel across America -- and I hope you do someday,if you haven't been there -- you will find people of many different ethnic backgrounds and many different faiths. 如果你去美国旅行的话,你会见到来自不同种族背景,有着不同信仰的人。
- Universities like MUC try to encourage students from different ethnic backgrounds to learn from each other and get to know each other, often through talent showcases. 中央民族大学(简称民大)鼓励不同民族背景的学生通过才艺展示等方式互相学习、互相了解。
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。
- When the data were analyzed according to subjects’ ethnic backgrounds, the drug did not raise risks to infants of either Jewish or Bedouin Muslim parents (N. 根据受试者种族对数据进行分析时,无论婴儿双亲为犹太人抑或贝都因穆斯林人,该药均不会增加婴儿的发病风险(N.
- That incessant background music gets on my nerves. 那没完没了的背景音乐令我非常烦恼!
- He has a working-class background. 他是工人阶级出身。