- Macanese, the Macao-born Portuguese, are a special ethnic community in Macao. 澳门土生葡人是澳门的一个特殊族群。
- This paper probed from six respects on how to build socialistic new countryside in the Hui ethnic community of Qinghai province. 该文从六个方面就青海省回族聚居区如何建设社会主义新农村进行了探索。
- Leisure preferences and open space needs were explored within a discrete, homogeneous ethnic community: the Chinese Americans of Chicago's Chinatown. 本文探讨的是芝加哥唐人街这一相对独立和均质的华裔社区的休闲喜好和开放空间需求。
- Although many changes have occurred, it remains a strong ethnic community and a center for Croatian Americans throughout the Kansas City area. 虽然已经发生许多改变,但它仍是一个带有强烈种族色彩的社区,也是堪萨斯市境内,克罗埃西亚裔美国人的居住中心。
- Defrauded members of the ethnic community are unlikely to report the fraud, because of the embarrassment and the fear of the authorities. 受骗的少数族裔往往不喜欢上报骗遭遇,因为他们觉得很丢脸,而且对政府机构心存恐惧。
- And lastly the insurgents are returning to their most successful ploy: baiting an ethnic community until it is so fed up that it hits back, thereby triggering further violence. 最后一点,也是恐怖份子最屡试不爽的一招:将一个族裔社群袭扰到忍无可忍,让他们的暴动引发更多的血腥事件。
- Abstract:Leisure preferences and open space needs were explored within a discrete, homogeneous ethnic community: the Chinese Americans of Chicago's Chinatown. 摘要:本文探讨的是芝加哥唐人街这一相对独立和均质的华裔社区的休闲喜好和开放空间需求。
- Children should be taught our ethnic diversity when they are young. They should learn to appreciate the distinctiveness of each ethnic community and grow up in an environment of mutual trust. 我们应该在孩子小的时候灌输族群意识,进而认识彼此的不同,并在理解的过程中学习互相尊重,共同成长。
- We must therefore constantly strengthen our traditional values and virtues of various ethnic communities and avoid becoming "rootless duckweeds". 因此,我们必须不断地加强和巩固各族群的传统价值观和美德,以避免成为“无根的浮萍”。
- In addition,governments at all levels often organize mobile medical teams to visit farming and pastoral areas and other ethnic communities. 各级政府还经常组织流动医疗队到农牧区和少数民族聚居区去。
- In addition, governments at all levels often organize mobile medical teams to visit farming and pastoral areas and other ethnic communities. 各级政府还经常组织流动医疗队到农牧区和少数民族聚居区去。
- Tensions have been high among Iraq's main religious and ethnic communities in recent weeks as they haggled over the draft constitution. 伊拉克各宗教和民族派别最近数星期以来一直在制定宪法草案的问题上争论不休,相互之间关系紧张。
- Sixth century BC) Spring and Autumn Period Di Chek ethnic communities are Chek Di Lu countries (in this northeastlu cheng shi ) monarch. (公元前六世纪)春秋时代赤狄族人,是赤狄族潞国(在今潞城市东北)国君。
- In addition, authorities at all levels often organize mobile medical teams to visit farming and pastoral areas and other ethnic communities. 各级政府还经常组织医学专家、医务人员到农牧区和少数民族聚居区进行巡回医疗。
- The MCEP is designed to build capacity in the racial and ethnic communities through the empowerment and education that will impact cancer and tobacco healthcare decisions. MCEP的设计是透过会对癌症及菸草健康照护决策造成冲击之充权和教育,建立各种族社区的能力。
- Sui Empire is a two-Hu-Han ethnic communities social, economic, mutual penetration, synthesis, to build a new aristocratism countries (the first 105-106 pages). 隋唐帝国是一个由胡汉两族的共同体社会经相互渗透、合成,共同建设的新贵族主义国家(第105-106页)。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- Recently, high-profile accolades for the success of Ci to enrich community life, under the special offer launched colourful ethnic communities "should quarter" community activities. 最近,在为申亚成功高调喝彩的同时,为了丰富社区生活,旗下各盘社区特推出缤纷多彩的“应季”社区活动。
- traditional sport culture of Yao ethnic community 瑶族传统体育
- In China, the flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. 在中国,奥运圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾并在组成我们国家的56个民族中传递。