- On the basis of meteorological and hydrological data in seven catchments in Yunnan Province, three formulae [Eqs. (3),(5),(6)] calculating the evaporation from land surface are tested and compared. 以云南省七个小流域的气象、水文资料,检验了三个含有下垫面参数的陆面蒸发公式,表明傅抱璞公式最佳。
- We turned away from land and headed out to sea. 我们离开陆地,向海洋进发。
- Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface. 填土的渗漏可能污染地下水和地面水。
- evaporation from land 地面蒸发
- We left port and headed for the open sea(= far away from land). 我们离开港口,向外海驶去。
- Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface water. 填土的渗漏可能污染地下水和地面水。
- She sent a gadfly to attack the cowdrive her from land to land. 她派了一只牛虻去攻击牛犊,使她颠沛流离。
- Enhancement of Evaporation from a Large Northern Lake by the Entrainment of Warm, Dry Air. 干热空气卷入导致北方大型湖泊蒸发的加强。
- Evapotranspiration is the total evaporation from moist soil and from vegetated surfaces plus transpiration. 湿润土壤及植物表面的总蒸发量加上蒸腾量称为蒸散量。
- Under low soil moisture condition,evaporation from the community decreased with increase in soil clay content. (2)在低土壤含水量条件下,群落蒸发随土壤粘粒含量增加呈线性降低;
- Nowhere else along the coast is there such shallow water so far from land. 沿海没有其他地方存在着这样离陆地如此远的浅滩。
- Evaporation from sea water is about 5% less than from fresh water, other conditions being the same. 在其它条件相同时,(从)海水的蒸发大约比(从)淡水蒸发小5%25。
- Milly P C D. A simulation analysis of thermal effects on evaporation from soil[J]. Water Resour. Res. 沈荣开,任理,张瑜芳.;夏玉米麦秸全覆盖下土壤水热动态的田间试验和数值模拟[J]
- Then it starts to evaporate from the top first. 然后,这些水份先从顶部开始蒸发。
- Ditching is different from landing a glider. 水面迫降和滑行着陆又有不同。
- In this point of view,successful decrease of evaporation from ocular surface is important for the therapy of dry eye. 从这一角度来说,有效减少眼表蒸发对治疗干眼有重要的意义。
- Evaporation from the soil and transpiration from vegetation are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land. 一半以上的陆地降水被植物的蒸腾作用和土壤的蒸发作用返回到大气中。
- She sent a gadfly to attack the cow and drive her from land to land. 但赫拉的狂怒并未消除。
- Evaporation from the surface of the bed is reduced under mulch.As a result, more uniform soil moisture is maintained and frequency of irrigation is slightly reduced. 塑料薄膜覆盖降低苗床表面的水分蒸发,结果使土壤湿度更加均匀一致,从某种程度上减少灌溉次数。
- Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on the income from land or buildings. 财政法中有关征收士地税和房屋税务局的一览表。