- The database specified in the event description is dismounted. 事件描述中指定的数据库已卸除。
- The mailbox specified in the event description is damaged. 事件描述中指定的邮箱已损坏。
- Click the hyperlink at the bottom of the event description of a specific event. 单击特定事件的事件说明底部的超链接。
- Look carefully at the event description and see which user is being referred to. 请仔细查看事件描述,了解提到了哪个用户。
- Consider decreasing the load on the mailbox server specified in the event description. 考虑减少事件描述中指定的邮箱服务器的负荷。
- As a workaround, manually configure the SPN for the service specified in the event description. 作为解决办法,可以手动为事件描述中指定的服务配置SPN。
- The system account must be granted full control to the folder that is specified in the event description. 对于事件描述中指定的文件夹,系统帐户必须被授予完全控制权限。
- As indicated in the event description, this can be normal when the Offline Address List (OAL) is generated the first time. 正如事件描述中所述,当第一次生成脱机地址列表(OAL)时这可以是正常的。
- The text in the event description identifies the database that has exceeded this limit and the current physical size of the database. 事件说明中的文本指明超出此限制的数据库以及数据库的当前物理大小。
- Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to grant the system account full control permissions to the folder in the event description. 使用Microsoft Windows资源管理器向系统帐户授予事件描述中文件夹的完全控制权限。
- This Error event indicates that the Exchange Setup program was unable to upgrade the database to the version that is specified in the event description. 此错误事件表示Exchange安装程序无法将数据库升级到事件描述中指定的版本。
- The event description contains an event description, context information about the event, such as distributor and notification class information, and the instance, application, and component names. 事件说明包含一份事件说明、关于该事件的上下文信息(如分发服务器和通知类信息)以及实例、应用程序和组件名称。
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- This Error event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service failed to register the service principal name (SPN) for the process specified in the event description. 此错误事件表示Microsoft Exchange系统助理服务无法为事件描述中指定的进程注册服务主体名称(SPN)。
- This girl gave a vivid description of the event. 那女孩对这件事作了一番生动的描述。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- Review the Application log for other events that could indicate the root cause of performance problems on the mailbox server specified in the event description. 在应用程序日志中查看其他事件,这些事件可能指明事件描述中指定的邮箱服务器的性能问题根本原因。
- This is a capsule description of the event. 这就是关于那个事件的简要介绍。
- He has written off a description of the terrible event. 他很快地写好一篇文章,描写这一可怕的事件。
- Do not parse event descriptions for specific text because the text might change based on locale settings or in future versions of Notification Services. 请不要分析特定文本的事件描述,因为此文本可能会根据区域设置或在将来的Notification Services版本中更改。