- The light left his face ever and again. 他脸上的神采往往总是能一瞬即逝。
- The clouds ramble in the sky everyday, shed tears ever and again. 云彩每天都在天空中游走,有时落泪。
- Ever and again they heard the same cry from the tumble-down building. 他们不时地听到从那破败不堪的房子里传出的同样的呼叫声。
- And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. 又说、哈利路亚。烧淫妇的烟往上冒、直到永永远远。
- And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. 又说,哈利路亚。烧淫妇的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。
- However, there exists torture ever and again in legal practice because of the defection in legal system. 但是,由于我国现行法律制度不完善,实践中施用酷刑的行为时有发生。
- And ever and again, her wandering glance reverted to the frail atom of humanity nestling by her side. 她一次又一次地回过头来看着蜷缩在身边的那个脆弱的小生命。
- I have no sleep tonight. Ever and again I open my door and look out on the darkness, my friend! 今夜我无眠。朋友呀,我不时地开门,了望外面的黑暗!
- And their sorrowful faces overcast the happy home and also remind me of my left time ever and again. 而他们担忧的表情也给这个曾经幸福的家带来了一层愁云,同时也时时警示着我自己所剩无多的日子。
- He raises some strange questions now and again. 他时常提出一些奇怪的问题。
- The child is over and again asking why. 小孩总是不停的问为什么。
- Once he gets a drink in his hand he's here for ever and ever. 他手里一有了酒就永远也动不了地方了。
- I've told you again and again not to do that. 我三番五次地告诉过你,不要做那种事。
- My socks have been darned again and again. 我的袜子已经补了又补。
- I feel a twinge in my back now and again. 我不时感到背痛。
- The actress was bowing her thanks again and again. 女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。
- He threw in a word or two now and again. 他不时插一两句话。
- She stirred now and again in her sleep. 她睡觉时不时翻来覆去。
- His socks had been darned again and again. 他的袜子补了又补。
- Robert swears he will love me for ever and ever. 罗伯特发誓他将永远爱我。