- every blessed one 人人, 彼此都
- That is what the Blessed One said. 那就是薄伽梵所言。
- but that was a lie: he got every blessed one of them out of that young flathead that we canoed up to the steamboat. 不过这些都是谎话,这些全是他从那个年轻的笨蛋、也就是从搭我们的划子上大轮的人嘴巴里掏来的。
- The Brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One's bowl with rice. 三时,优陀耶婆罗门,以白饭盛满世尊之钵。
- Ven.Rahula, bowing down to the Blessed One, sat to one side. 尊者罗睺罗向薄伽梵顶礼后,坐于一边。
- Then many monks approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. 三时,众多比丘来诣世尊之处,诣已,礼敬世尊,坐于一面。
- Once the Blessed One dwelt at Vesali, in the Great Forest, at the Gabled House. 尔时,世尊住毗舍离城,大林之重阁讲堂中。
- May every blessing descend upon you! 百福并臻。
- On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Kapilavatthu at the Banyan Park. 一时薄伽梵住于迦毗罗卫附近的榕园。
- May the years to come bring every blessing to you both. 愿你俩年年福寿无疆。
- Then Maniculaka approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. 为此,摩尼顶髻聚落主来到世尊住所,礼拜后,退坐一旁。
- Then the brahmin who nourished his mother approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side. 二时,孝养婆罗门来诣世尊处。诣已,与世尊互相致问,坐于一面,
- The Blessed One Kassapa, worthy and rightfully enlightened had two chief disciples named Tissa and Bharadvaja. 迦叶世尊、应供、正等觉者,有名曰帝沙、巴拉多瓦迦二人为上足弟子。
- Thus have I heard.The Blessed One was once living at Gayasisa in Gaya with a thousand bhikkhus. 如是我闻:当时,世尊住在伽耶的象头山,在一起的有一千位比丘。
- Wishing you every blessing on this special occasion. Congratulations! 在这个特别的日子,祝你们幸福!恭喜恭喜!
- I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Brahmin village Ekanaliya in the southern hills of Magadha. 一如是我闻。尔时,世尊住摩揭陀国南山一苇婆罗门村。
- At one time the Blessed One was living in the gabled hall in the Great Forest in Vesali. 二时,离车人之摩诃梨,来诣世尊处。诣已,礼敬世尊,坐于一面。
- Friend, is it you the Blessed One declare as a non-returner. Why did you come here? Look! You do me wrong! 七'友!汝莫非依世尊记别为不还者耶?此时何故还来此耶?汝见犯过误,看!'
- The Brahmin Ahimsaka Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side. 二时,不害婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门,来诣世尊处。诣而与世尊互相致问,坐于一面。
- At that time the Blessed One was suffering from airiness and venerable Upavana was attending on the Blessed One. 二时,世尊,患感冒,尊者优波婆那,为世尊之侍者。