- I hear from my cousin every two months. 我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信。
- I see them once every two months. 我每两个月与他们见一次面。
- Every two months or six times a year. 每两个月一次或每年六次。
- We have taken films about every two months. 我们大约每两个月拍一次X线照片。
- Bimestrial:Occurring every two months; bimonthly. 一月两次的:每两个月发生一次的;一月两次的。
- Occurring every two months; bimonthly. 一月两次的每两个月发生一次的;一月两次的
- They have a get-together every two months. 他们每隔两个月搞一次聚会。
- They must submit such reports every two months,beginning this year. 从今年起,这样的报告他们每两个月要交一次。
- Add in shoeing, and you could pay $80 to $100 every two months. 如果再加上钉马掌,你每个两个月的费用大约是80到100美元。
- They must submit such reports every two months, beginning this year. 从今年起,这样的报告他们每两个月要交一次。
- Flam said Ziansiji than a month or every two months to go to the library. 弗拉姆说,比兹安斯基每月或每两个月来一趟图书馆。
- Volunteers will visit the singleton elderly in the Kwun Tong District at least once every two months for one year. 各组义工将于未来一年内,最少每两个月探访观塘区的独居长者一次。
- CD-ROM. Updated every two months and includes a subscription to Archbold News. Product code: CDTP-STAN. 光盘.;每两个月更新一次;并含有阿奇博尔德新闻订阅费CDTP
- The haircut was then a simple ritual to be performed every two months or so to avoid a barbarous appearance. 为了避免自己形象蛮昧,理发也就成了每两个月左右就要进行一次的简单仪式。
- Nancy: Literary magazines are usually collections of poetry, short stories and maybe artwork that come out once a month, or once every two months. 这类杂志一般是月刊和双月刊,内容包括诗歌,小故事和艺术类作品。
- Amber's column, Amber's Auditorium, on the Heart2 Heart Christian website was established in June of2003. She contributes one article every two months. 安宝在〈应心单身基督徒加油站〉专栏〈言轩〉二零零三年六月成立,内容分为以下数项:对独处的探讨(然自存集)对恋爱和与人相处的探讨(镜中央集)电影分析(窥人生集)小品和新诗等(至而抒集)每两个月有新的文章刊登,敬请留意。
- Literary magazines are usually collections of poetry, short stories and maybe artwork that come out once a month, or once every two months. 这类杂志一般是月刊和双月刊,内容包括诗歌,小故事和艺术类作品。
- Theine-month study involved college students who had been dating at least two months who filled out questionnaires every two weeks. 该项研究历时九个月,调查对象是谈恋爱至少有两个月的大学生,他们每两周填写一次调查问卷。
- We harvested the aboveground biomass of our cut treatment and control plots of M. micrantha once every two months for a year. 根据全年的定期监测资料分析可知,连续的刈割导致薇甘菊群落物种组成和功能均有较大改变;
- Japan has carried out executions approximately every two months since the previous justice minister, Kunio Hatoyama, took office in August 2007. 从2007年8月上届法务大臣鸠山邦夫就任之后,日本几乎每两个月就执行一起死刑。