- evidence of payment of duty 完税凭证
- The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge. 邮资已付邮戳贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳
- The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailedas evidence of payment of this charge. 邮资已付邮戳贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳。
- The sum is to be applied to the payment of duty. 那笔钱是用来交税的。
- the stamps,labels,or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge 邮资已付邮戳,贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳
- There is no evidence of any commission for the painting of Mona Lisa or of payment for it. 没有证据表明列奥纳多画《蒙娜·丽莎》时有什么合同或是报酬。
- The payment of duty on inbound or outbound articles shall be made by the obligatory duty payer prior to their release. 进出境物品的纳税义务人,应当在物品放行前缴纳税款。
- When each premium is paid the insuring Parry shall submit evidence of payment to the other Party. 保险方在支付每一笔保险费后,应将支付证明提交给另一方。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import& export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、口杂费、税代垫、口退税服务。
- On the evidence of man-made melamine to add the criminals severely punished in accordance with the law, dereliction of duty for staff to be more serious responsibility. 对证据确凿的人为添加三聚氰胺的违法犯罪分子要依法严惩,对失职的工作人员要严肃追究责任。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import &export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、港口杂费、关税代垫、出口退税服务。
- Evidence of the payment of the course fees faxed from the school;this information must quote your NZIS application number. 学校发来的传真证明学费已付(伊柔,此传真由学校直接传给签证官),此证明中必须注明你的签证号。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那笔意外的收入用於偿付抵押。
- He was dismissed for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- The words "freight prepayable" or "freight to be prepaid" or words of similar effect, if appearing on transport documents, will not be accepted as constituting evidence of the payment of freight. c.运输单据上如出现“运费可预付”或“运费应预付”或类似意义的词句,不能视为运费付讫的证明,这种单据将不予接受。
- He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你怠忽职守。
- The payment of the goods is payable in instalments. 货款可以分期支付。
- The increase of production is evidence of that. 生产的增长就是这方面的例证。
- Should a licensed travel agent default,aggrieved outbound travellers with proof of payment are entitled to amaximum ex gratia payment of 90 per cent of the tour prices paid. 如持牌旅行代理商不履行责任,受影响旅客可凭付款证明,申请最高相等于所付团费九成的特惠赔偿。