- His friendly behaviour was a cloak for his evil intentions. 他的友好行为不过是他险恶用心的伪装。
- His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions. 他的友善的行为是他险恶用心的伪装。
- The man harbors evil intentions. 这个人居心不良。
- The creditor came with evil intent. 债主来者不善。
- It is clear that he has evil intentions to his friend. 很清楚,他对他的朋友心怀叵测。
- All his plans that harbored evil intentions went wrong. 他那包藏祸心的全部计划都失败了。
- The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen with evil intent. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不怀好心。
- Instead, the assignment is to find anyone with evil intent. 相反的,任务是找寻任何带有恶意的人。
- Moral dishonourable, harbor evil intentions, did not lead a qualification. 品行不端,心术不正,就没有领导资格。讲德,首先是政治上要强。
- Iraq will rebel against their evil intentions to colonize it and to wield influence in it. 伊拉克将要反抗他们有害的意图去开拓殖民地和动员影响力。
- But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, Why do you tempt Me, hypocrites? 耶稣看出他们的恶意,就说,假冒为善的人哪,为什么试诱我?
- They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 因为他们说恶言顶撞你;你的仇敌也妄称你的名。
- Also some person of evil intentions with explain the tool, the master to kibitz and so on shop signs to trap the user visit to hang the horse homepage. 还有人恶意用破解工具、高手支招等幌子诱骗用户访问挂马网页。”
- His friendly behavior is a cloak for his evil intention. 他的友善的行为是他险恶用心的伪装。
- In a flash the evil intent of the vice-president to usurp power hit the president between the eyes. 一霎那间,副总统篡权的罪恶意图给总统当头一棒。
- She is a kind girl at heart and never has a single evil intention. 她心地善良,从来没有恶念。
- His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention. 他友好的举止是其邪恶意图的遮丑布。
- But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 耶稣看出他们的恶意,就说:“假冒为善的人哪,为什麽试探我?
- Through reviewing and analyzing relevant literatures,this paper discussed the causes of medical dissensions with evil intentions and put forward some countermeasures. 文章通过对已有相关文献的广泛查阅与分析,探讨恶意医疗纠纷产生的原因,并在此基础上提出针对性的策略。
- When someone criticizes you with good intent, he is your teacher. When someone praises you with evil intent, he is your enemy. 别人善意的批评我非我应尊之为师别人恶意的称赞我是我应视之为敌。