- Explore the mechanism that Chuanxiong Chatiao San cure the pain of head and face from these aspects including evil of wind of th... 现从风邪的病因病机、发病特点、辨证规律、方药等方面就川芎茶调散治疗头面诸痛证的机理作以解析。
- This is the lesser evil of the two. 这是两种弊病中较轻的。
- She is a gossip and often speaks evil of others. 她是个长舌妇,经常说别人的坏话。
- A gust of wind blew the door shut. 一阵大风吹来,把门关上了。
- He's just full of wind, the pompous fool! 他空话连篇,是个自负的蠢材!
- A flurry of wind upset the small boat. 一阵疾风吹翻了小船。
- A gust of wind made the candles flare. 一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。
- A puff of wind swept his hat off. 一阵风把他的几十。
- Those villains reveled in evil of every kind. 那帮歹徒无恶不作。
- This is an evil of long standing. 这弊端由来已久。
- We should not speak evil of a man in his absence. 我们不应该在背后说别人的坏话。
- A gust of wind puffed the clouds away. 一阵大风把云吹散了。
- The guilty is those evil of be made. 有罪的是那些制造事端的罪恶。
- And from the evil of the envier when he envies. 免遭嫉妒者嫉妒时的毒害。
- A sudden gust of wind wafted the papers off her desk. 一阵突然刮来的风把她桌上的文件吹落到地上。
- Noise is an evil of modern life. 噪音是现代生活的祸害。
- A gust of wind blew the flickering candle out. 一阵风把闪烁不定的蜡烛吹熄了。
- Speak not evil of the absent, for it is unjust. 不要说不在场的人的坏话,因为这样做是不公平的。
- A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut. 突然一阵大风把门吹得关上了。
- A gust of wind blew all the dust away. 一阵风把尘土都刮跑了。