- Results The causes of 27 cases undertaken evisceration of eyeball were:severe eyeball rupture 3 cases,endophthalmitis 10,complications ocular trauma 14. 结果27例27眼,眼内容摘除的原因:严重眼球破裂伤急诊手术3例,眼内炎10例,眼外伤并发症8例。按无菌术的观点,分为污染手术、感染手术和无菌手术3个类别。
- Methods After evisceration of eyeball, the sclera was clipped to form two part free scleral valves with extraocular muscle.The double-sclera cap was covered before orbital implant. 方法行眼内容摘除术后,剪开巩膜形成2片带眼外肌半游离巩膜瓣,双层帽状扣盖于植入眼眶内的眼台前。
- evisceration of eyeball 眼内容摘除术, 眼内容剜出术, 眼球去脏术
- Also, the decreased ocular volume, due to the evisceration of the ruptured eyeball with intraocular silicone ball implantation, contributed to the patient's enophthalmos. 急诊处置包括:剜除破裂的眼球并植入矽质眼中内置球,骨折复位固定并以矽片修补眶底。
- The evisceration of their wealth may have led people to look for work rather than retire or stay at home with the children. 剥夺人们享受这些的福利的机会应该会使他们去找工作而不是退休或者在家陪孩子。
- Methods:Hydroxyapatite wrapped in autologous sclera was used as secondary orbital implant in 37 patients (37 eyes)after evisceration of the eye. 方法:对37例(37只眼)眼内容剜除术后患者采用自体巩膜包埋的羟基磷灰石义眼座眶内植入术。
- Method:17 patients were performed evisceration of eye and implanted silicon sponge in the scleral cavity immediately.3weeks later, they were fixed false eyes. 方法:为17例患眼行眼内容剜除,巩膜腔内硅海绵填充术,术后3周安装义眼。
- Trick for suggesting villainy: tilt head forward; eyes peer upward, exposing whites in lower portion of eyeball. 给个比较毒辣的窍门:向前使头倾斜,眼睛向上盯着看,在眼球的更低的部分方面暴露白色。
- Method:17 patients were performed evisceration of eye and implanted silicon sponge in the scleral cavity immediately.3weeks later,they were fixed false eyes. 方法:为17例患眼行眼内容剜除,巩膜腔内硅海绵填充术,术后3周安装义眼。
- Methods A total of 183 of perforating injury and rupture of eyeball incised injury were analyzed restrospectively. 方法对眼球穿孔伤和全层破裂伤183眼进行回顾性分析。
- The effect that what cures does ulcer of hyperaemia of eyeball of fluorescent element cross-eye have? 荧光素对眼睛充血溃疡有什么治愈的作用吗?
- Methods:The hydroxyapatite(HA)sphere was implanted into the eye socket in 15 patients after enucleation of eyeball. 方法:采用羟基磷灰石义眼台做为眼球摘除术后眼窝成形的填充物,观察15例成形效果。
- Objective To analyse the clinical efficacy of complex perforating injuries of eyeball. 目的分析复杂眼球穿孔伤的临床疗效。
- Objective To investigate a best operation method of enucleation and plasty of eyeball. 目的探求眼球摘除和整形的最佳手术方法。
- Results morbidity of the late phase uveitis after operation was 2.81%,4 of 30 cases caused atrophy of eyeball. 结果 术后迟发性葡萄膜炎的发病率为 2 81%25 ,其中 4眼最终发生眼球萎缩。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Objective To investigate the safety and effects of heart Dacron graft in the plastic surgery of moderate atrophy of eyeball or microphthalmus. 目的目的探讨心脏涤纶补片在中度眼球萎缩或小眼球整形结膜瓣全角膜掩盖术中的应用效果及安全性。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。