- Complete freedom of subject matter. 完全自由的主题事项。
- evolvement of subject matter 题材演化
- In the aspect of subject matter,we should conjecture the intent of organizers. 选题方面要注意有创意,联系实际和揣摩组织者的意图;
- This term is actually a misnomer, because judicial review is always based upon some statutory grant of subject matter jurisdiction. 实际上,这一术语属于用词不当,但为司法复审向来都是依据对标的物管辖的法定授权的。
- Art A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter. 强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格。
- It is recognized that there are many shortcomings as to depth of treatment and selection of subject matter. 应该承认,在叙述的深度和课题内容的选择上存在许多不足之处。
- However, comedy is typified by humorous treatment of subject matter, whether or not the subject matter is frivolous. 而喜剧无论题材平凡也罢不平凡也罢,其主要特点是处理题材的手法是幽默的。
- Pursuing a change of subject matter, or your career's scenery, is another way to reenergize. 追求一个新的主题或者职业前景是一种重新凝聚能量的方式。
- A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter. 强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非。
- There is little in the way overt social comment but the choice of subject matter in itself is significant. 现在对此观点几乎没有公开的社会评论 ,但选择这一观点本身就是明智而具有挑战性的。
- The system of alienation guarantee is a untypical guarantee system of transfer of rights of subject matter. 让与担保制度是一种须移转标的物上权利归属的非典型的物的担保制度。
- The paper firstly reviews the evolvement of TBT. 本文回顾了TBT的发展;
- If each person has no mastery of subject matter, it is not very possible to talk about benefitting others. “你们在一起,应比兄弟还亲,同道、同参、同学,亦师亦友亦学人。”
- The use of an arrangement of 5 geng and 12 shi to express a variety of subject matter, which is typical of folksongs, appeared in the quzi. 用五更、十二时排比演唱各种内容的特有民歌格式,已在曲子中出现
- But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. 不过本许可证并不仅限于对程序的手册使用,所有的文档作品都可以使用本许可证。
- Through the intensional interpretation, first-order language gets more close to the semantics of natural language, and is truly neutral to all kinds of subject matter. 比之于外延语义的解释,内涵语义的解释使一阶语言更接近于自然语言的语义,而且也使一阶逻辑对各种题材真正保持了逻辑的中立性。
- "Photographers who explore the world of the potato will find plenty of subject matter," said the Food and Agriculture Organisations roots and tubers expert NeBambi Lutaladio. 联合国粮农组织块茎作物专家内班比?鲁塔拉迪奥说:“通过对马铃薯的研究,摄影师们会发现有很多可做题材。”
- Th roughout her literature writings, a conception of overall Chinese culture decide s the selection of subject matter, the theme and the developing structure. 在她的全部文学创作中,以一种中国大文化的理念选择题材,确定作品的主题和结构支架,从历史背景、人物关系和情节描写等方面真实地显现我国社会的时代变迁。
- Today we see much of the art produced in China approaching and appropriating this global mainstream, in terms of subject matter, language and appearance. 今天我们看到很多中国艺术在主题、语言和造型上,都是朝这种方向发展。
- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。