- ex post forecast error 事后预测误差
- ex post facto rms forecast error 事后均方根预测误差
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- No one can alter the fact,ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Preserve managers'bargaining power ex post. 根据过去发展情况,保持经理层的谈判力。
- Ex post bargaining power may be limited. 事后谈判力可能受到限制。
- The ex post perspective is backward looking. “事后”的视角乃是向后看的。
- Clause 3:No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. 不得通过任何褫夺公权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。
- No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. 不得通过任何褫夺公权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。
- You obviously don't think that you are underestimating or overestimating, so the expected forecast error is zero. 很明显你并不认为你会低估或高估,所以期望预测误差为零。
- Put forward new method of factor preference basing on AIC and geneticalgorithm, considering simulation error and forecast error. 此外,还开发了基于外部调用的智能反分析程序。 (5)提出了基于AIC准则和遗传算法的且综合考虑拟合误差与预测误差的环境量因子优选新方法。
- In general jurisprudence, we might associate the ex post perspective with legal formalism. 在一般法理学领域内,我们可能会将事后视角与法律形式主义联系在一起。
- In tort law, for example, corrective justice theories of tort are associated with the ex post perspective. 例如在侵权法上,矫正正义理论与“事后”视角相关联。
- Is the rule in the case I've just read, just or fair from an ex post perspective? 从事后视角出发,我刚才读到的案件中的这个规则是否公正?
- The ex post perspective in legal theory is also loosely connected with deontological approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的道义论分析路径存在一定松散的关联。
- Over the Xizang Plateau,the 500 hPa hight forecast error is almost nega-tive in every month of the year,with the largest negative value appeared insummer,but it approaches to zero in winter. 青藏高原上空500百帕预报全年基本上都是负偏差,以夏季负偏差最大,春秋季减小,冬季趋于0,各月之间有近于正弦波型式的年变化规律性。
- Compared with ex post licensing. ex ante licensing can improve social welfare under the framework of antitrust law. 与事后许可相比,事前许可能在反拉斯法的框架下导致社会褔利的帕累托改进。
- An ex post facto law prohibits the use of guns by individuals against unarmed persons trespassing on their property. 事后法阻止个人对赤手空拳的财产侵犯者使用枪支。
- Firm's investment is assumed to be ex ante but transaction is ex post contractible.Lack of control of transaction affects firm's investment activity. 摘要 企业投资决策是事前行为,而交易分配事后才能明确,当企业无法控制交易分配时,其投资积极性会受影响。
- Second, we highlight the importance of experience on the formation and efficiency of syndicates, and on the ex post involvement of venture capitalists. 其次,我们突出经验的重要性在企业联合组织形成和效率和在冒险资本家的事后介入。