- exannulate sporangium 无环带孢子囊
- A support for a fern sporangium or mosscapsule. 蕨类孢囊或藓蕨果荚的支撑物。
- A support for a fern sporangium or moss capsule. 蕨类孢囊或藓蕨果荚的支撑物
- The spores are liberated by rupture of the sporangium wall. 当孢子囊壁破裂时可以将其内的孢子释放出来。
- However, for this organism sporangium formation is different. 然而它的孢子囊形成方式不同。
- Zoosporangium (pl. zoosporangia) A sporangium that produces ZOOSPORES. 游动孢子囊:产生游动孢子的孢子囊。
- Sporangium was born in stem top, long in shape, no stalk, a small pointed. 孢子囊生于茎顶,长圆形,无柄,具小尖头。
- It is an asexual spore formed in a sporangium and is usually thick walled. 静孢子是由孢子囊产生的无性孢子,通常具有厚的细胞壁。
- Stomium (pl. stomia) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen. 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。
- Stomium( pl. stomia) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen. 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。
- There was no correlation between zoospore and sporangium yeild in different medium. 游动孢子的浓度与孢子囊的浓度没有正相关性。
- This photomicrograph shown a lavge(dark colour) sporangium which contains asexual spores called sporangiospores. 此照片显示一个暗色的大孢子囊,其中含有无性孢子,称为孢子囊孢子。
- A female gametophyte of the female gametophyte in the sporangium ovule is the heart of the beads. 产生雌配子的雌配子体在大孢子囊即胚珠的珠心处发育。
- Sporangium (pl.sporangia) A reproductive body in which asexual spores are formed. 孢子囊:无性孢子产生的场所。
- Sporangiophore A structure bearing sporangia (see sporangium). 孢囊梗:着生孢子囊的结构(参见sporangium)。
- The central column of sterile tissue in the sporangium of liverworts and mosses. 2蒴轴:苔藓的孢子囊中由不育组织构成的中央柱。
- There are a lot of sporule mother cells in every sporangium, they are respective via meiosis hind, produce the sporule of 4 monoploid. 每个孢子囊中有许多小孢子母细胞,它们各自经减数分裂后,产生四个单倍体的小孢子。
- Purifing air, removes in the unusual smell and the fetid odor, absorb and clean air dust, the pollen, tiny bacterium sporangium, the germ and so on. 净化空气、去除余味及臭味、吸收、清洁空气中的尘埃、花粉、微菌芽孢、病菌等。
- The pathogen overwintered as sporangium on infected leaves. The control effects of 1% Bordeaux mixture,50% Topsin and 50% Carbendazim were 66.2%,45.9% and 33.8% respectively. 在病原侵染初期分别用 1%25波尔多液、5 0%25托布津和5 0%25多菌灵做防治试验 ,防治效果分别为 6 6 2%25、4 5 9%25和 33 8%25。
- Medium had relation to biological characters including colony morphology, growth rate, sporangium production and pathogenicity of Phytophthora capsici Leonian. 辣椒疫霉的菌落形态、生长速率、产生孢子囊的能力、致病力的强弱与培养基种类有很大关系。