- Keyword is used to define an exception handler. 关键字用于定义异常处理程序。
- The exception handler gains control. 异常处理器得到控制权。
- Then it gives control to the exception handler. 然后它把控制权交给异常处理器。
- Contains the exception handler and the cleanup code. 包含异常处理程序和清理代码。
- Or enter the exception handler chosen during the first pass of exception handling. 或者进入在第一遍异常处理期间选择的异常处理程序。
- Indicates whether the application should exit upon exiting the exception handler. 指示应用程序是否应在退出异常处理程序时退出。
- The program is best run outside the debugger to see the effects of a global exception handler. 最好在调试器之外运行该程序,以便查看全局异常处理程序的效果。
- The exception will be handled by another exception handler or returned to the application. 例外由其它例外处理程序处理或返回给应用程序。
- Secondly, all errors or unexpected warnings really should be handled by the exception handler. 其次,所有错误或意想不到的警告实际上应该由异常处理程序来处理。
- Clause contains the exception handler that simply displays a message on the screen. 子句包含仅在屏幕上显示消息的异常处理程序。
- The application block includes an exception handler that logs exception information. 应用程序块包括记录异常信息的异常处理程序。
- The most common form of type-filtered exception handler specifies that only a particular class of exception be caught. 最常见形式的类型筛选的异常处理程序指定仅捕捉特定类型的异常。
- This descriptor specifies the base address of the segment that includes the interrupt or exception handler. 这个描述符指明了包含中断或异常处理函数的段的基地址。
- In other words, by adding a staff activity to the exception handler, the process requires that a real person provide the courier id. 换句话说,通过向异常处理程序添加staff动作,流程需要真实的人提供的向导标识。
- Indicates whether the first application instance should be brought to the foreground upon exiting the exception handler. 指示第一个应用程序实例是否应在退出异常处理程序时进入前台。
- The recommended solution is to introduce an exception handler to isolate the code's changes to thread state from callers' filter blocks. 建议采纳的解决方案是引入一个异常处理程序,用于将代码对线程状态的更改与调用方的筛选器块分开。
- Transfers control from the fault or finally clause of an exception block back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler. 将控制从异常块的fault或finally子句转移回公共语言结构(CLI)异常处理程序。
- Transfers control from the filter clause of an exception back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler. 将控制从异常的filter子句转移回公共语言结构(CLI)异常处理程序。
- For example, you will see the MDA activated in an attempt to call managed code from inside a vectored exception handler. 例如,在尝试从向量异常处理程序内部调用托管代码时,您将看到该MDA被激活了。
- This linker option instructs the linker to include into the output image, a table that contains the address of each exception handler. 此链接器选项指示链接器要包含到输出映像(一个包含各个异常处理程序的地址的表)中。