- Problems and Suggestions: A Discussion about Foreign Exchange Risk Insurance 外汇保险问题与建议
- exchange risk insurance 外汇风险保险
- Transfer and convertibility risk insurance. 转让和可折算风险保险。
- Convertible Deposits are subject to currency exchange risk and may result in gains or losses. 高息外币投资存款涉及外汇风险,可能带来利润或损失。
- The textual point consists in the study againsts with dissolve the foreign exchange risk method. 本文的重点在于探讨防范和化解外汇风险方法。
- Jill Shankleman, a consultant to the World Bank's political risk insurance arm, says global hunger for oil and gas will not decrease in the near future. 世界银行政治风险保险部门的顾问尚克曼女士说,全球对石油和天然气的饥渴在近期内不会减弱。
- An enterprise may deal with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging. 对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期,企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理。
- If the hedged risk is a credit risk or foreign exchange risk, the held-to-maturity investment may be designated a hedged item. 第十条被套期风险是信用风险或外汇风险的,持有至到期投资可以指定为被套期项目。
- You may open an account in one of 5 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取5种基准货币的其中一种作为您所开立账户的基准货币,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- When they choose to invest money in financial assets denominated in foreign currencies, they incur exchange risk as well. 若银行选择投资于外币金融资产,便要承担外汇风险。
- ORI (Operational Risk Insurance)is an importance measure of operational risk management. In the new version of Basel Accord, operational risk is regarded as the primary pillar of supervision for the first time while ORI is especially stressed. 操作风险保险(Operational Risk Insurance,ORI)是操作风险管理的重要举措,新Basel协议在首次将操作风险纳入其监管框架第一支柱的同时,对ORI也给予了特别关注。
- You may open an account in one of 8 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取8种基准货币的任意来开立账户,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- A Property All Risk Insurance Policies insures property against loss or damage by natural hazards or accident. 保障自然灾害或意外事故引起的财产损失给与补偿。
- This paper was an empirical research of the early warning of foreign exchange risk in our country by ternary logit model. 本文利用三元模型对我国外汇风险预警进行了实证分析。
- A Property All Risk Insurance Policy insures property against loss or damage by natural hazards or accident as specify in the policy. 保障财产因自然灾害或意外事故造成的直接物质损坏或灭失给予赔偿。
- But careful study commercial housing mortgage insurance under the provisions of the insurance responsibilities, will be issued almost no risk insurable questions. 但仔细研究商品房抵押贷款保险条款中所规定的保险责任,会发出近乎无险可保的疑问。
- If you trade from outside the United States, the ability to open an account in one of eight base currencies frees you from worrying about exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 居住在美国以外的客户,可以从八种主要货币中任选其一作为其账户的基准货币,以避免存取款所可能导致的兑换损失.
- Companies operating within the euro zone have already enjoyed a reduction in many of their costs,particularly in treasury management,foreign exchange transactions and through the elimination of much foreign exchange risk. 在欧元区内运作的公司已经开始享受各项开支的减少,尤其是在资产管理,外汇交易等方面。同时这也减少了不少外汇兑换中的风险。
- The Applicant is required to fill in the following items in good faith and as detailed as possible,& affix signature to this proposal treated as proof of application to the Co. for All Risks Insurance and constituting an integral part of the Policy. 本申请书由投保人如实和尽可能详尽地填写并签章后作为向本公司投保一切险的依据。本申请书为该工程保险单的组成部分。
- This has resulted in greater price transparency, as well as a reduction in transaction costs and foreign exchange risks in the euro zone. 此举有助提高欧罗区的价格透明度,同时减低交易成本和外汇风险。