- exchange fund cover 外汇资金调整
- The HKMA manages the Exchange Fund. 金管局负责管理外汇基金。
- Exchange Fund Bills are launched. 推出首批外汇基金票据。
- When will tender for Exchange Fund Notes be held? 外汇基金债券的投标会在何时举行?
- Demand for Exchange Fund paper remains strong. 市场对外汇基金票据及债券的需求仍然殷切。
- Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency issuance. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是纸币与硬币的发行。
- The cost of purchase would be charged to the Exchange Fund. 购置办事处的费用将由外汇基金支付。
- What are the benefits of investing in Exchange Fund Notes? 投资于外汇基金债券有甚么好处?
- What are the risks of investing in Exchange Fund Notes? 投资于外汇基金债券有甚么风险?
- When will holders of Exchange Fund Notes be paid the interest? 外汇基金债券的持有人会在何时获派付利息?
- Of this, Exchange Fund Bills and Notes amounted to $101.9 billion. 外汇基金票据和债券达1,019亿元。
- The daily turnover of Exchange Fund paper during 1999 averaged $16.1 billion. 年内,外汇基金票据及债券的平均每日成交量为161亿元。
- The daily turnover of Exchange Fund paper in 2001 averaged $21 billion. 二零零一年,外汇基金票据及债券的平均每日成交量为210亿元。
- The accumulated surplus of the Exchange Fund amounted to $266.5 billion. 外汇基金累计盈余达2,665亿元。
- The foreign currency assets are held in the Exchange Fund and the Land Fund. 外币资产存放在外汇基金及土地基金。
- When will the results of the Exchange Fund Notes tenders be available? 外汇基金债券投标结果会于何时公布?
- Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency notes and coins issuance. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是发行纸币和硬币。
- On December 31, 1978, the Coinage Security Fund was merged with the Exchange Fund. 一九七八年十二月三十一日,硬币发行基金与外汇基金合并。
- The Exchange Fund was established by the Currency Ordinance of 1935 (later renamed the Exchange Fund Ordinance). 外汇基金根据一九三五年《货币条例》(已易名为《外汇基金条例》)设立。
- There was no new issue of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes for the period from September 1998 to March 1999. 一九九八年九月至一九九九年三月期间,金管局并无发行新的外汇基金票据及债券。