- Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。
- excitation gradient 兴奋梯度
- The resulting solution is known as the gradient. 合成解就是通常的梯度风。
- AC excitation is a good solution to this problem. 交流励磁是一种好解法对这个问题。
- An inclined surface; a slope or gradient. 斜面;斜坡或斜道
- Perhaps his nerves were naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。
- Causing or tending to cause excitation. 刺激性的引起或趋于引起激动的
- His eyes scintillated excitation . 他的眼睛闪烁激动的目光。
- Gets or sets the center point of the path gradient. 获取或设置路径渐变的中心点。
- Gets the end color of the gradient used in the. 背景中使用的渐变的结束颜色。
- Just click on the gradient image. 在渐变图象沙锅内单击。
- Specifies a gradient from left to right. 指定从左到右的渐变。
- Have you checked the excitation circuit grounding? 你检查过励磁回路的接地吗?
- Specifies a linear gradient fill. 指定线性渐变填充。
- Alnico magnets are used for permanent excitation. 铝镍钴磁体是用于永久励磁。
- Specifies the direction of a linear gradient. 指定线性渐变的方向。
- The interior of the element is a vertical gradient. 该元素的内部为垂直渐变。
- Is based on the idea of gradient descent. 规则是基于梯度降落这样一种思路。
- A vertical gradient in ocean salinity. (海洋的)盐度跃层海水盐度竖直梯度变化明显的水层
- Select the Radial Gradient from the Tools option. 在属性栏上设置渐变模式为"径向渐变".