- excited state spectroscopy 激励态光谱学
- Investigations of Excited State Dynamics of a PPV Derivative Using Ultrafast Kerr Spectroscopy[J]. 引用该论文 马国宏;郭立俊;杨毅;钱士雄;何谷峰;李永舫.
- Predissociation and Collisional Depopulation of the NaCs Excited State[J]. 引用该论文 沈异凡;李万兴.
- Judging by his excited state, it is certain that they will win the competition. 看他飞扬踔厉,比赛肯定能赢。
- Use of higher roots of (8. 88) in (8. 85) gives approximation to excited state wave function. 将(8.;88)中的高值根用于(8
- A spectral line is emitted when an atom proceeds from an excited state to a lower state. 当原子从一个受激态进入另一个较低的状态时,就发射一条谱线。
- The results were explained well by the grating effect of ARR and the excited state absorption of saturable absorber. ? 利用ARR的光栅效应和饱和吸收的机理很好地解释了实验结果。
- The calculation of the electronically excited state is still a challenge in theoretical chemistry. 关于电子激发态的计算,一直是理论化学的挑战。
- "Collision of an oxygen molecule with a fluorophore in its excited state leads to a non-radiative transfer of energy. 在激发态的氧分子与荧光的碰撞产生非辐射能量转移。
- Resonant Multiphoton Ionization Spectra of M-Cresol and Cresols in the First Electronic Excited State[J]. 引用该论文 潘潇宁;林美荣;刘耀明;张包铮;陈文驹.
- Atoms in the excited state is unstable, it spontaneously transitions to a state of low energy level, and ... 处于激发状态的原子是不稳定的,它要自发地向低能级状态跃迁,并 ...
- Analysis show that the upconversion fluorescence is green one with wavelengths of 538 nm and 514 nm due to excited state absorption(ESA). 能级分析和光谱扫描结果表明上转换辐射光为绿色荧光,波长为538 nm和514 nm,其产生机理为铒离子的激发态吸收效应(ESA)。
- If you have a child with you, make sure that he or she is not in an excited state and understands not to approach any of the dogs. 假如你有小孩同行,先确定孩子不致吵闹,并且懂得不要接近狗儿们。
- Ground and excited states of CH3 under octapol moment electric field[J]. 引用该论文 王秋云;谢安东;徐国亮;马美仲;朱正和.
- The core excited state decays mainly through spectator Auger transition after the electrons are resonantly photoexcited into unoccupied orbitals. 而芯能级电子被共振激发到非占据分子轨道后,其去激发过程通常以旁观者俄歇过程为主。
- It increases the energy levels of participating molecules, and hence raises their reactivity, often by raising electrons to an excited state. 它增加了反应物分子的能量水平,通过把反应物分子由常态转变为活化状态而提高了反应物分子的活力。
- An electrically neutral excited state of an insulator or semiconductor, often regarded as a bound state of an electron and a hole. 激子由于吸收光子在固体中产生的可移动的束缚的电子-空子对
- This is attributed to the stabilization of the excited state of intermediate of luminol by the interaction with the positively charged PEE modified layer. 荷正电的聚乙烯亚胺修饰分子与鲁米诺激发态3-氨基邻苯二甲酸阴离子间静电相互作用而导致的激发态稳定性增加;对鲁米诺分子的电化学发光的增强起着关键作用。
- Cesium-133 atoms emit a thin microwave spectral line when its 55th electron jumps back from an excited state orbital to its ground state (transition). 铯133原子发射一个细的微波谱线当它的第55个电子从受激态轨道跳回基态时(跃迁)。