- exclamation point hair [医] 感叹号形发
- More than one exclamation point in ad text. 在广告的正文中不止一个感嘆号。
- Talk to characters with a green exclamation point above their heads. 与头上有绿色惊叹号的角色对话。
- The file path is entered in the Reference box followed by an exclamation point. 在“引用”框中输入后跟感叹号的文件路径。
- DO NOT use exclamation points and all caps to emphasize!!! 勿使用多个感叹号和全部大写来表达强调。
- Note that you need an exclamation point after the opening bracket, but not before the closing bracket. 要注意感叹号是写在前尖括号之后,而非后尖括号之前。
- In the Dependency pane, click the dependency that is out-of-sync with the server, indicated by a red exclamation point. 在“相关性”窗格中,单击用红色感叹号标记的与服务器不同步的相关性。
- The default icon consists of an exclamation point in a circle with a red background. 默认图标由红色背景圆及其中的感叹号组成。
- If any of the parameters are invalid, an exclamation point (!) Is displayed next to the parameter. 如果任何一个参数无效,参数旁边会显示一个惊叹号(!)。
- The script returns an exclamation point (!) If it does not successfully process a user. 如果该脚本未能成功处理用户,则会返回一个感叹号(!)。
- Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation point instead of a yellow one. 现在给予每日任务的人头上显示为蓝色感叹号而不是黄色。
- What is the red exclamation point to the left of my deliverable name in the Deliverables pane? “可交付结果”窗格中的可交付结果名称左侧的红色感叹号是什么?
- A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point, that's basic spelling that every woman ought to know. 接吻可能为逗号,也可能是问号,还可能是惊叹号,这是一种所有的女人应该了解的基本拼写。
- The message box contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background. 该消息框包含一个符号,该符号是由一个黄色背景的三角形及其中的一个感叹号组成的。
- LEONA: Yes, I know. But the sign does not say, (YELLS) do not peek, exclamation point! 是的,我知道。但是标记没说不准偷看,叹号!
- Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth.It is heaven's exclamation point! 这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,这时老天划的感叹号!
- A yellow triangle with an exclamation point indicates that a warning threshold violation occurred in the current sampling interval. 带有感叹号的黄色三角形表示在当前采样间隔内发生了警告阈值冲突。
- Dictionary member access, which uses an exclamation point (!) Instead of a period (.), is valid only on a class or an interface. 使用感叹号(!)而非句点(。)的字典成员访问只对类或接口有效。
- Replace the expression on the left of the exclamation point with one that evaluates to a defined class or interface type. 用计算为已定义的类或接口类型的表达式替换感叹号左边的表达式。
- The breakpoint symbol appears as an empty circle with an exclamation point, indicating that the breakpoint cannot currently resolve. 断点符号显示为带有感叹号的空心圆圈,表明暂时无法解析此断点。