- We are honored to be awarded the exclusive license by Jackie Chan to develop and manage an apparel and accessories collection that bears his name. 很荣幸获成授予其名字,让我们独家经销其服装及配饰系列。
- Representation of Solstice Neurosciences in an exclusive license transaction with DreamPharma Corporation, a leading Korean pharmaceutical company. 代表Solstice Neurosciences与韩国知名制药公司DreamPharma Corporation达成独家许可交易。
- The Designer may seek immediate and permanent injunctive relief for violations of the exclusive license of the designs and drawings. 设计者可能会寻求针对违反设计和绘图独占实施许可的即时且永久的禁令救济。
- The applicant for the registration of software copyright contract shall be the party to the exclusive license contract or the transfer contract of the software copyright. 软件著作权合同登记的申请人,应当是软件著作权专有许可合同或者转让合同的当事人。
- Contract: the patent technology transfer license includes one year of national exclusive licenses and one year after the implementation of the ordinary. 合同约定:该专利技术转让许可包括一年内的全国独家许可和一年后的普通实施许可。
- exclusive license of intellectual property fights 知识产权独占许可
- PKP holds the patents and exclusive licensing rights to all public-key systems on behalf of RSA Data Security,MIT,Stanford University,and others. PKP代表RSA数据安全公司、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学和其它机构,拥有所有公开密钥系统的专利权和唯一的许可发放权。
- Representation of GPC Biotech in an exclusive licensing deal with Yakult Honsha for the development and commercialization of Satraplatin in Japan. 代表GPC Biotech与Yakult Honsha就赛特铂(Satraplatin)在日本的开发及商业化达成独家许可交易。
- PKP holds the patents and exclusive licensing rights to all public-key systems on behalf of RSA Data Security, MIT, Stanford University, and others. PKP代表RSA数据安全公司、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学和其它机构,拥有所有公开密钥系统的专利权和唯一的许可发放权。
- Today, Allsop has over 475 patents with world wide exclusive licenses and Allsop products are in more than 35,000 store fronts! 现在,欧烁拥有475项全球专营的专利,欧烁产品在全球35000家商场畅销。
- Emb Card Brothers exclusive licensing Delphinium machine memory card and brothers licensing Delphinium plane PC-8200 dedicated accessories. 8 M memory. 40-socket. Emb Card 兄弟牌锈花机专用存储卡,是兄弟牌锈花机PC 8200专用配件。内存8M。40芯插座。
- Technological boosterism was in the air.Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act, which allows universities to engage in exclusive licensing agreements for technology they have patented. 在科技振兴主义的氛围下,国会通过了拜杜法案(Bayh-DoleAct),准许取得专利权技术的大学与外界签订独家授权合约。
- xi) where applicable, that the license is an exclusive license, a non exclusive license, or a sole license; 在可适用的情况下,授权是专属授权、非专属授权或是独家授权的说明;
- He has taken out a driving license. 他已领驾驶执照了。
- The matter will be given our exclusive attention. 此事将引起我们的全部关注。
- He can obtain a driver's license now. 他现在可以获得驾驶执照了。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。
- His license was suspended for six months. 他的执照被吊销6个月。
- When is the expiration of your driving license? 你的驾驶执照何时到期?
- I used my driver's license as identification. 我用驾驶执照作为身分证明。