- On its own technology more confidence! 对自己的技术多点信心!
- They have their own technological limitations. 它们有其自己的技术限制。
- The company has the technical capability to develop its own technology for product development and reformulation to meet the market demand. 公司生产及销售建筑、金属、纺织、粘合等系列水性乳液。
- Abstract The exclusive usufruct is the exclusively owned right of using joint sectors in condominial buildings . 区分所有建筑物共有部分的专用使用权是指对区分所有的建筑物共有部分独享、排他式使用的权利。
- Westinghouse hopes to land more of those future contracts, though the Chinese have also been building plants using their own technology. 西屋电气希望今后能获得更多的合约,不过中国也一直在采用自己的技术建设核电站。
- If the dominant outfit is afraid a new add-on will make its own technology redundant, it will not deal with competitors on any terms. 如果占统治地位的公司担心新的附加物会使自己的技术冗长,那它在任何条款下都不会与竞争者进行交易。
- Searches on MSN, meanwhile, are powered by Yahoo's search engine, though that relationship is also expected to end once Microsoft perfects its own technology. 与此同时,MSN的搜索任务目前依靠雅虎的搜索引擎,尽管一旦微软完善其自身技术后,预计这种关系也将终结。
- In accordance with the needs of the market, using its own technology and equipment advantages, the company has developed a series of BGA test blocks, cell phone repair tools. 根据市场需要,利用自身的技术及设备优势,公司开发了一系列BGA测试座、手机维修工具等。
- So whether the interception or every person who has shown excellent courage to appropriate use of your own technology and complete the corresponding duty. 所以无论是堵截还是过人,每一人都要恰当地使用自己的技术,并完成相应的比赛任务。
- The company has its own technology of manufacturing PU and automatic cutting equipment which is imported form Japan.The price and quality has the veriest competitive advantage. 拥有自主知识产权的胶片生产技术和日本制造的切割PU的自动化设备,其品质和价格在市场上占绝对优势。
- This breath-taking charming view is exclusively owned by the Baywatch Restaurant, a place where they have dining, leisure and pub. 这副美丽的景色为海湾海鲜舫专属,混合着印尼巴厘岛的风格,加上悠闲的海边格调,在在突显了现代人所向往的休闲美景。
- In the current situation, whenever the oil-field service companies defend the domestic market or go abroad in order to dismember international market, they innovate on and on own technology. 在当前形势下,国内油田服务公司无论是要保住国内市场,还是要走出去,抢占国际市场,都需不断创新自己的技术。
- More importantly, Dell also benefits from the standardisation that brings down the cost of components and removes the advantage once enjoyed by companies that invest in their own technology. 更为重要的是,标准化降低了电子零部件的成本,在技术上锐意创新的公司曾经拥有的优势不复存在,戴尔也因此从中获利。
- The matter will be given our exclusive attention. 此事将引起我们的全部关注。
- However, China did not realize the desire to enhance its own technology level by the FDI strategy of "make technology by market".It is doubtful that FDI has technology spillover effect. 然而,我国通过“以市场换技术”策略希望借助外资提高自身技术水平的初衷并没有得到很好的实现,外商直接投资的技术溢出效应受到了广泛质疑。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals. 饭店每天收费二十元,不包括用餐。
- This is an exclusive white residential area. 这是一个纯粹的白人居住区。