- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
- New laws will soon replace existing legislation. 新法律即将取代现行法规。
- From time to time, amendments to existing legislation and enactment of new laws are effected to consolidate our law. 特区政府也不时修订现行法例或制定新法例,以进一步巩固香港的法律。
- From time to time,amendments to existing legislation and enactment of new laws are effected to consolidate our law. 特区政府也不时修订现行法例或制定新法例,以进一步巩固香港的法律。
- It has been asked why we need to draft a new Bill and not just amend the existing legislation? 有人问,政府为甚么要草拟一条全新的法例,而不只是修订现行的条例?
- Some people think that the system of units recidivism has been affirmed on by the existing legislation. 有人认为现行立法已经规定了单位累犯制度。
- Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation. 所筹集的资金由联合国和非政府组织管理。
- In other words, existing legislation on EEE and hazardous substances must also be complied with. 也就是说,现行有关EEE和有害物质的法律条款需要遵守。
- I am pleased that the Bills Committee has supported us in amending the existing legislation to improve the safety of lifts and escalators. 我很高兴法案委员会支持我们修改现行法例以改善升降机及自动梯的安全。
- He Government is primarily responsible for proposing new legislation or amendments to existing legislation, in the form of bills which are considered by the Council for enactment. 府主要负责以法案的形式,将新订法例或现行法例的修订建议提交立法会审议,以制定成为法例。
- At the angle of the pollution of Songhuajiang River, the existing legislation fails to firmly regulate the liability of multinational pollution for damage. 以此次松花江水污染事件为视角,凸现了现行立法对跨界污染损害责任制度存在的诸多缺欠和不足。
- The existing legislation does not give clear-cut, which brought to the judicial practice, a lot of inconvenience caused by the conviction and sentencing confusion. 现行立法并没有给出明确的规定,这给司法实践带来了诸多不便造成了定罪与量刑上的混乱。
- Under the new documentation system for licensing vessels, each local vessel will be issued a certificate of ownership in addition to an operating licence required under existing legislation. 此外,按规例所定的新证明文件制度,除了现行法例要求的运作牌照外,每艘本地船只亦会获发拥有权证明书。
- Mr Aitken-Davies adds: “Priority must be placed on ensuring that existing legislative and regulatory measures are implemented and enforced effectively. 戴理德还说道,“首先应重点保证现有立法和监管措施能够得到贯彻和有效执行。
- The legislation was made retrospective. 该项法规具有追溯效力。
- Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法将是困难而又费时的。
- Legislation is not in the President's power. 立法不是总统的权力。
- Legislation is the duty of a congress. 立法是国会的职责。
- A hive cannot exist without a queen. 蜂房不可无蜂王。
- Chapter four bases on looking back and estimating the existing legislations, focuses on the furtherance of relevant legislations in China and then proposes some suggestions thereof. 第四章,在回顾、评述现行立法的基础上,为我国外资并购反垄断法律规制的立法完善,提出自己的建议。