- existing settlement mechanism 现有解决机制
- It administers the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism. 它也负责运作争端解决机制和贸易政策审议机构。
- The forth part is about the suggestions to improve natural resources dispute settlement mechanism. 第四,对我国资源纠纷解决机制的完善从立法、解决方式的角度提出建议。
- As a means, public participation could greatly increase the effectiveness of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. 公众参与作为一项手段,可以大大加强WTO争端解决机制的效力。
- The other one is the judicial settlement mechanism for domain name cybersquatting. 第二类是域名抢注纠纷的司法解决机制。
- Many scholars argue that dispute settlement mechanism of CEPA should learn from that of CAFTA. 摘要不少学者认为CEPA应借鉴CAFTA的争端解决机制。
- One type is the adminestrative settlement mechanism for domain name cybersquatting. 第一类是域名抢注纠纷的行政解决机制。
- Acceleration of the establishment, and improvement of the dispute settlement mechanism are the important tasks in front of us. 加速自贸区争端解决机制的建立与完善是摆在我们面前的重要任务
- The WTO dispute settlement mechanism procedure emphasis on constitutionality.It makes the multilateral trade system safer and more foreseeable. WTO争端解决机制程序强调法治,并使多边贸易体制更安全和可预见。
- Fifth, countervailing, anti-dumping and dispute settlement mechanism under the authorization to take retaliatory measures against MFN bound. 第五,反补贴、反倾销及在争端解决机制下授权采取的报复措施,不受最惠国待遇的约束。
- How to deal with the domain name cybersquatting and to establish a perfect settlement mechanism is an urgent problem to be settled. 首先,本文从域名的概念与注册规则入手,逐步深入地界定了域名抢注的涵义。
- The buyers have found that the cost of procurement has significantly reduced, and highly satisfied with NSEL trading and settlement mechanism. 买主发现,采购成本大大降低,而且他们非常满意国家现货交易有限公司( NSEL )的贸易和结算机制。
- Quantou: soliped new “ China should play a more active use of the temrinal settlement mechanism in WTO, so that we can make in a rational side. 屠新泉:“中国应该更加积极地运用WTO的终端解决机制,这样才能够使得自己站在一个有理的一方。
- America's Cup dispute settlement mechanism has gone through a scratch, and gradually perfecting the process of development. 美洲杯帆船赛的纠纷解决机制经历了一个从无到有,并逐步发展完善的过程。
- The third part is the proposals and advices for perfecting the disputes settlement mechanism of the domain name cybersquatting in China. 第三部分介绍对完善我国域名抢注纠纷解决机制的建议。
- The swordfish case in 2000 revealed the possible conflict between the international environmental dispute settlement mechanism and the WTO DSM which deserves our attention. 昱访撕椭抢?S阏?税附沂玖斯?驶肪痴?私饩龌?坪凸?拭骋渍?私饩龌?
- As an important component of international law, WTO law builds a dispute settlement mechanism to deal with the actions of violating the WTO treaty obligation. 作为国际法重要组成部分的WTO法也不例外,WTO框架下专门建立了一套争端解决机制处理成员方违反WTO义务的行为,从而保障WTO法律制度的有效实施。
- In his speech Sunday, Netanyahu rejected the demands for a freeze."We have no intention of building new settlements or of expropriating additional land for existing settlements," he said. 在内塔尼亚胡周日的演说中,拒绝了冻结定居点的要求“我们不准备修建新的定居点,也没有计划为现在的定居点增加土地。
- The investor - state investment dispute settlement mechanism in recent BITs and FTAs tends to further internationalize the settlement of this kind of dispute. 近年的国际投资协定中规定的投资者与东道国间投资争端解决机制,从实质看,是将此类争端解决进一步推向国际化。
- Thus, it still needs the continuous efforts from the legal profession, to establish a scientific, effective settlement mechanism for domain name cybersquatting. 因此,建立一个科学完善、行之有效的域名抢注纠纷解决机制还需要业界人士作不懈的努力。