- expendable pattern materials [机] 熔梢模型材料
- expendable pattern material 熔模材料,一次模型材料
- A review of the history in the development of Expendable pattern casting is given in this article. 本文首先回顾了真空实型铸造的发展历史及其演变过程;
- The research status on the coating property test of expendable pattern casting process is reviewed. 对国内外消失模涂料的透气性、强度、涂挂性等性能的测试方法以及其研究进展进行了论述。
- The characteristics and advantages of expendable pattern casting process with dry sand and vacuum are briefly introduced. 本文简述了真空实型铸造工艺的特点和优点。
- The prospects of Expendable Pattern Casting process at home were forecasted, a proposal concerning the development of its was offered. 文章介绍了真空实型铸造技术在工厂的实际应用情况最后对我国真空实型铸造的发展前景进行了预测,并对我国真空实型铸造的进一步发展提出了建议。
- In this paper the gas gap in the expendable pattern casting process was studied and the relation between the gas gap and collapse defect is discussed. 对消失模铸造铸铁件流动前沿的气隙进行了研究 ,探讨了气隙与坍塌缺陷的相互关系。
- The importance of studying the mold filling velocity of Mg alloy in the expendable pattern casting (EPC) process is pointed out in this paper. 消失模铸造的充型过程对于获得健全铸件至关重要,研究工艺参数对镁合金消失模铸造充型速度的影响,对于工艺参数的优化和铸件质量的提高具有非常重要的理论和实用价值。
- And also understand the criterion of ASE, GM, ASTM and so on.Knowing lost-wax casting, expendable pattern casting and die-casting. 及ASE、GM、ASTM各种等级的灰铸铁和球墨铸铁材料标准,懂得熔模、消失模、压铸等特种铸造方式;
- The research status on the mold filling of expendable pattern casting process is reviewed from the aspects of mold filling characteristics,heat and mass transfer. 从充型特性以及传热和传质两个方面回顾了消失模铸造充型过程的研究进展。
- Abstract: In this paper the gas gap in the expendable pattern casting process was studied and the relation between the gas gap and collapse defect is discussed. 文摘:对消失模铸造铸铁件流动前沿的气隙进行了研究,探讨了气隙与坍塌缺陷的相互关系。
- Expendable pattern casting(EPC)process has many advantages in producing stamping dies of automotive panel parts,the technologic design and coat of EPC have special characters. 消失模铸造生产冲模毛坯具有许多的优点,其工艺设计、涂料的性能等不同于普通砂型铸造。
- The bi-metal composite bending pipe of high-Cr/16Mn steel is formed by the proess of expendable pattern casting under vacuum and the room temperature machanical properties and practical application are studied. 采用消失模真空吸铸法成功地制取了高铬铸铁/16Mn钢双金属复合弯管,并进行了室温机械性能和实际工况使用检验。
- Experimental Study on Relationship Between the Vibration Parameters of Compaction Table and Sand Fluidity,Filling ?Compaction Densities for the Expendable Pattern Casting Process (EPC). 实型铸造用振实台激振参数与干砂流动性态、充填性及紧实度关系的实验研究
- Dry sand molding without binder is one of the main characteristics of the expendable pattern casting, and the casting quality is directly connected with the filling and compacting quality. 用没有粘结剂的干砂造型是消失模铸造的特点之一,而干砂的充填和紧实的质量直接影响铸件的质量,因此性能良好的造型振动台是消失模铸造的关键设备。
- Design and Research of FMS of Pattern Materials 型材柔性冲裁生产线的设计研究
- Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM): 4-colour (brown, green, tan, and black) DPM used by some special operations forces units. 分裂样式材料:4色(棕色,绿色,褐色和黑色)DPM在一些特种部队使用。
- There are aromaties, high alkaneses, alkenes and esters, etc.According to the results, the thermal degradation mechanism of expandable pattern material (EPS) is studied. 结果表明,这些裂解产物的组成非常复杂,有芳香烃、高级烷烃、烯烃和酯类等。
- Coating for Expendable Pattern Casting 消失模用涂料
- Taylor Most people will recognize plaid as the patterned material worn by Scottish Highlanders on their kilts. 活到老学到老。坚持努力工作。成功是一个马拉松,不是一次冲刺。永远不要放弃。