- Shares held by the investor before the initial public offering may be sold after the expiration of time limit for share selling; 投资者在上市公司首次公开发行前持有的股份,在限售期满后可以出售;
- A period of playing time added after the expiration of the set time limit. 延长时间加在固定比赛时间之后的比赛期
- The fee for requesting extension of a time limit shall be paid before the expiration of the said time limit. 延长期限请求费应当在相应期限届满之日前缴纳;
- Non-tradable shares held by the investor before the reform hereof may be sold after the completion of non-tradable shares reform and the expiration of time limit for share selling; 投资者在上市公司股权分置改革前持有的非流通股份,在股权分置改革完成且限售期满后可以出售;
- The countermand of a cheque only takes effect after the expiration of the limit of time for presentment. 撤销支票付款的委托,仅于提示期限满后行之,始为有效。
- Lack of time limited the scope of the course. 缺少时间限制了这项事业的范围。
- If no copy is submitted at the expiration of the time limit, his or its claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made. 申请人期满未补交的,其优先权要求视为未提出。
- If the correction is not made at the expiration of the time limit, the biological materials shall be deemed not to have been deposited. 期满未补正的,该生物材料视为未提交保藏。
- If, at the expiration of the time limit, the applicant fails to make the corrections, his or its application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 期限届满申请人未补正的,其申请视为撤回。
- If no copy is submitted at the expiration of the time limit,his or its claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made. 申请人期满未补交的,其优先权要求视为未提出。
- If the correction is not made at the expiration of the time limit,the biological materials shall be deemed not to have been deposited. 期满未补正的,该生物材料视为未提交保藏。
- If the prescribed formalities are not gone through at the expiration of the time limit,the international application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 期满未办理规定手续的,该申请视为撤回。
- On request of prolongation of time limits the applicant pays fees. 请求延长该等期限时,申请人应缴纳费用。
- If,at the expiration of the time limit,the applicant fails to make the corrections,his or its application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 期限届满申请人未补正的,其申请视为撤回。
- If the prescribed formalities are not gone through at the expiration of the time limit, the international application shall be deemed to be withdrawn. 期满未办理规定手续的,该申请视为撤回。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit, the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- The application for adding or changing the claim, or lodges a counterclaim shall be filed before expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence. 当事人增加、变更诉讼请求或者提起反诉的,应当在举证期限届满前提出。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit,the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 费用和追加罚款期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- The expiration of contract is coming. 合同快到期了。