- Through renewedly interpreting seismic exploration data,have obtained a large number of geological information. 通过对地震勘探资料的重新解译,获得了很多地质信息。
- According to actual exploration data,it is analysed influence factors of big grain and thick-beded aquifer's well loss. 依据实际勘探资料,深刻分析了大厚度粗粒含水层井损值的影响因素。
- According to previous exploration data, it is estimated that the amount of natural gas hydrate in South China Sea may add up to 70 billion ton. 根据前期勘探资料分析,我国南海天然气水合物资源量可达700亿吨。
- The paper introduced the functions , characteristics and main applied effects of SACS seismic exploration data quality control appreciation system. 该文介绍了SACS地震勘探质量控制评价系统的功能、特点与主要应用效果。
- To insure the high quality of the exploration data, oil companies intensively request to test the performance of hydrophone regularly and completely. 为了保证勘探的数据质量,石油公司强烈要求对压电检波器的性能作定期全面测试分析。
- Based on coal geological exploration data,studied and analyzed CBM resources,hosting features and distributing pattern in Wangjiaba minefield. 利用煤田地质勘探资料,对王家坝井田煤层气的赋存量和赋存特征以及展布规律作了进一步的分析和研究。
- Prospecting reports on mineral deposits and other valuable exploration data shall be provided for use with compensation in accordance with the regulations of the State Council. 第二十八条矿床勘探报告及其他有价值的勘查资料,按照国务院规定实行有偿使用。
- Synthetic hydro-geophysical exploration system is established using GIS strong spatial data structure to interrelate kinds of hydro-geophysical exploration data and spatial data. 摘要利用GIS的强大空间数据架构功能,将各类水文物探数据与空间数据相关联,建立了基于GIS技术的综合水文物探系统。
- This paper presents research on modeling 3D shape of geo-bodies and geo-fields through 3D interpolation and iso-surface constructing from limited and scatted exploration data. 针对此问题,探讨了一种利用空间插值和等值面勾绘来建立地质要素的接近真实的3维可视化模型的方法。
- The paper explores data exchange mode for isomeric system profitably. 为异构系统的数据交换模式进行了有益的探索。
- Article 28 Prospecting reports on mineral deposits and other valuable exploration data shall be provided for use with compensation in accordance with the regulations of the State Council. 第二十八条矿床勘探报告及其他有价值的勘查资料,按照国务院规定实行有偿使用。
- Use the Data Exploration Options dialog box in Business Intelligence Development Studio to set the sampling and charting options for the Explore Data dialog box. 使用Business Intelligence Development Studio中的“数据浏览选项”对话框,可以为“浏览数据”对话框设置抽样和图表选项。
- Automatic generation of new drill down reports allows users to explore data along model navigation paths. 自动生成的新钻取报表允许用户按照模型导航路径浏览数据。
- The Microsoft Clustering algorithm is a segmentation algorithm for use in exploring data to identify anomalies in the data and to create predictions. Microsoft聚类分析算法是一种分段算法,用于浏览数据以标识数据中的变体并创建预测。
- Use the Explore Data dialog box in Business Intelligence Development Studio to view sampled data for a selected object, such as a table or view. 使用Business Intelligence Development Studio中的“浏览数据”对话框,可以查看所选对象(如表或视图)的抽样数据。
- Explore data mining: an exciting technique that uses the power of databases to extract meaningful knowledge from a mountain of data. 探究数据挖掘:一项令人兴奋的技术,能够利用数据库的强大功能从海量数据中提取有用知识。
- This paper discusses how to use exploratory data analysis, specialy stem-and-leaf diagram, to monitor economic statistical data quality. 摘要本文就探索性数据分析方法特别是茎叶图法如何应用于统计汇总数据质量控制进行了探讨。
- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用来暂时存放数据的一种缓冲区。
- The pebble ripples and riverbed development of Shaojibei rapids were analyzed based on the measured data,the explorative data,and the regulation projects of past years. 根据筲箕背滩的多年实测资料、现场踏勘资料,结合历年整治方案,分析筲箕背滩卵石沙波形态以及碍航特征。
- The pebble ripples and riverbed development of Shaojibei rapids were analyzed based on the measured data, the explorative data, and the regulation projects of past years. 摘要根据筲箕背滩的多年实测资料、现场踏勘资料,结合历年整治方案,分析筲箕背滩卵石沙波形态以及碍航特征。