- export of scientific results 科学输出
- Due attention was paid to exert the scientific and technological advantages. The industrialization progress of scientific results was accelerated. 努力发挥科技优势,加快了科技成果产业化进程。
- Science and Technology: Due attention was paid to exert the scientific and technological advantages. The industrialization progress of scientific results was accelerated. 科学技术: 努力发挥科技优势,加快了科技成果产业化进程。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- We will endeavor to make some major breakthroughs in the high-tech sector by pooling strength from various quarters and energetically promote the industrialization of scientific results. 集中力量在高科技领域取得重大突破,大力促进科技成果产业化。
- His biography is a saga of scientific research. 他的传记就是一部科研记实。
- The minister has lifted the embargo on the export of firearms. 部长已经解除对火器出口的贸易禁令。
- The book is full of scientific technicalities. 这本书里尽是科学术语。
- Mr Jackson is not the books of the Union of Scientific Workers. 杰克逊先生是科学工作者工会的会员。
- The export of these curios is prohibited. 这些古玩是不准出口的。
- I'm sorry the export of these curios is prohibited. 对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。
- The export of farm produce needs to be expanded. 努力扩大农产品出口。
- Sugar is one chief export of China. 糖是中国的主要输出品之一。
- The company's support of scientific research is just window-dressing. 这个公司支持科学研究只不过是摆样子给人看的。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- What are the chief exports of your country? 你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?
- He is a successful exporter of diamonds. 他是事业有成的钻石出口商。
- It contains a number of scientific instruments, including a television camera. 这枚火箭装载着若干科学仪器,其中包括一架电视摄像机。
- I'm sorry, the export of curios is prohibited. 恐怕携带古物出境是违禁的。
- The export of gold is forbidden. 禁止黄金出口。