- Residents in a St.Louis Missouri suburb are expressing shock that a man worked at the piece of place was arrested for kidnapping two boys. 一个在圣路易斯密苏里郊区工作的男人因绑架两名男孩而被捕,当地居民对此表示非常震惊。
- A statement from the country's foreign affairs ministry says Prime Minister Meles Zenawi expressed shock and sadness over the crash, which took place after the Boeing 737 took off from Beirut. 埃塞俄比亚外交部在一份声明中说,总理梅莱斯对坠机事件表示震惊和悲痛。这架波音737飞机从贝鲁特起飞后不久坠毁。政府还下令全国降半旗。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- His mother's death was a great shock to him. 他母亲之死对他精神上打击很大。
- The shock made me go all weak at the knees. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- She is still in shock after the accident. 事故发生后到现在,她仍然处于休克状态。
- Buffers absorbed most of the shock. 缓冲器使震动减少了许多。
- I can express myself in good English. 我可以用很好的英语来表达自己的观点。
- He never got over the shock of losing his wife. 他失去妻子後便一蹶不振。
- The express train is an hour faster than the local. 快车比慢车快一小时。
- It's an express train for Stockholm. 这是一趟开往斯德哥尔摩的快车。
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折
- She paled with shock at the news. 她听到那消息大惊失色。
- Try to find your own way to express the idea. 尽量用你自己的语言来表达这个意见。
- The sea wall sustained the shock of waves. 海堤经得起海浪的冲击。
- The news of his death was a shock to us. 他去世的消息令我们震惊。