- "In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant". "In the family way"是一种老式的表达方式,意为"怀孕"。
- What does the flashing light on my AirPort Extreme or AirPort Express mean? AirPort Extreme或AirPort Express上的指示灯闪烁表示什么意思?
- Body language needn't words to express meanings. 身体语言不用词语表达。
- Find out a person with relax facial expression, also maybe his facial expression mean nothing. 从下面的角度,找到一个很放松的人,也或是他不经意的一个表情。
- Of or designating a case used typically to express means, agency, or accompaniment. 工具格的代表性的用来表示方式,中介或伴随格的,或指示此格的
- The “cold palace” is where disfavored queen or concubine was emplaced. So this expression means you are put on the back shelf. 冷宫是指安放失宠的皇妃或皇后的地方。被打入了冷宫,自然就是遭冷遇了。
- Chooses the best angle is the cameramen seeks the beautiful artistic method, also is cameramen's thoughts and feelings expression means. 选择最佳角度是摄影者寻找美的艺术手段,也是摄影者的思想感情的表现手法。
- Because of its expression means is the human voice tonality, therefore it again is confined to the human’s diapason, volume and tone color. 应该指出的是,人声乐器的制作与使用是不可分割的统一体,它不同于其它乐器,制作与使用是分离的。
- Long-distanced pipeline is the most econoimic and express means of transportation of oil nowadays. 石油长输管线是实现原油及成品油运输的一种经济、快捷的运输手段。
- The fictions of Lawrence and Watanabe Junichi have great similitudes in many aspects, such as the narrative manner, the narrative angle and the expression means. 从叙事艺术上看,无论是叙事方式、叙事角度还是表现手法,劳伦斯和渡边淳一的作品都有很多的相似之处。
- "In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning"pregnant". “Inthefamilyway”是一种老式的表达方式,意为“怀孕”。
- Language is communication tool, which is the carrier to express meanings. 摘要语言是交流的工具,它是表达意义的载体。
- A witness appearing in court to give evidence shall impersonally state the facts apperceived by himself. Where the witness is a deaf-mute, he may bear witness by other expression means. 出庭作证的证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实。证人为聋哑人的,可以其他表达方式作证。
- The Sarma method,which could take the merit of slope vibration effect and the expression means of vibration effect into account,with the difference contrast to other methods were analyzed firstly. 分析了萨尔玛方法能考虑边坡震动效应的优点和震动效应的表达方法,指出该方法与其他方法的区别。
- The article analyzes the euphemism phenomena; replace form, expressing means and euphemism pragmatic function. 摘要本文从语用角度分析了英语委婉语的语言现象、替代形式、语言表达手段以及语用功能。
- The metaphor is not only an important expressing means of human language, and also an important human cognitive style. 比喻既是人类语言的一种重要的表达手段,也是人类的一种重要的认知方式。
- Nobel prize for each one, in essence, are the nominees in the identification and evaluation of creative ability, the results merely the inevitable result of creativity or expression means. 诺贝尔奖的每一个奖项,实质上都是在鉴定和评价被提名者的创造能力,成果只不过是创造能力的必然结果或者说体现方式。
- "Close enough for government work" is a cynical expression meaning not terribly accurate. "对政府来说已足够精确"是一个嘲讽的说法,意思是"并不精确",
- The second chapter basis from the Zen principle elaboration method and the Zen boundary expression means difference, may divide into the Folici、the Chanwuci and the Chanjingci three big kinds. 第二章依据从禅理的阐述方法与禅境的表现手法的不同,禅词可以分为佛理词、禅悟词与禅境词三大类。
- The connubial loyalty agreement has the expressed meaning of setting up rights. 夫妻忠实协议所具有的设权意思表示使其成为法律意义上的协议。