- extension of res judicata 既判力扩张
- Determination of plea of setoff should produce the effect of res judicata. 关于诉讼中的抵销之既判力问题,下文将作进一步的讨论。
- In this way it is a original to analyze the theory of Res Judicata that cite true cases. 其中后四章都是通过一个典型的案例为指引,进而导出对既判力理论某一问题的阐释,并通过理论的分析得出案件的解决方案和对实践的启示。
- The model countervailing litigation provides the reasonable basis of res judicata. 这种抵销诉讼模式的建立也提供了既判力正当化的制度根据。
- In intellectual property civil litigation, there is new development in the application of the theory of res judicata. 在知识产权民事诉讼中,既判力理论的适用具有新的内容。
- The size of the objective scope of res judicata is closely related to the theories of new or old subject matter of litigation. 既判力客观范围的大小与新旧诉讼标的理论有密切联系。
- On the doctrine of res judicata, scholars usually emphasize its effectiveness of confirming a former final judgement but ignore its relativity. 摘要在既判力的研究中,强调较多的是既判力在确定判决效力上的强制力,对其相对性却没有引起足够的重视。
- The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal,fine,fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. 对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。
- In civil law countries, the objective scope of res judicata is defined by that the judgment in the verdict rather than the judgment in the ratio decidendi is of effect of res judicata. 在大陆法系国家,既判力的客观范围表现为判决主文中的判断有既判力,判决理由中的判断无既判力。
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- A Study of the objective scope of Res Judicata 既判力客观范围再研究
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- On the Objective Scope of Res Judicata 试论既判力的客观范围问题
- On the Relativity of Res Judicata 论既判力的相对性
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- the time boundary of res judicata 既判力的时间范围
- He gladly consented to the extension of the loan. 他很乐意地同意延长贷款偿还期。
- The Force of Res Judicata with Procedural Guaranteeing 论程序保障之下的既判力
- The extension of city endangers wild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- The Function of Res Judicata and Foundation for Its Validation 既判力的作用及其正当化根据