- extension of time for payment 准许延期付款
- We request that you grant us an extension of time. 我们请你们把时间给我们延长点。
- Return Filing Extension 1-month automatic extension of time for filing Tax Returns - Individuals will be granted to those who successfully filed their tax returns electronically last year. 去年成功透过互联网或以电话报税的人士,本局将自动准予延期1个月提交个别人士报税表。
- But I don't have a lot of time for guitar practice. 但是我没有充裕的时间来练习吉他。
- extension of time for completion 完工时间的延长
- We have a lot of time for sightseeing. 我们有很多时间观光游览。
- First, give yourself plenty of time for the search. 第一,给自己充分的时间找工作。
- But is working really a waste of time for teens? 课余时间做兼职工作是否真的浪费孩子们的时间?
- Does the contract contain suitable conditions to cater for extension of time? 合约是否注有适当的延展服务条件?
- The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away. 可以用来消弥这一危机的些许时光正在逝去。
- What's the period of time for the bidder to submit their bid? 投标日期定在什么时候?
- A parent's note indicating extenuating circumstances for an incomplete assignment may allow for an extension of time. 如果家长能为学生不按时完成作业写明情况,那么时间可以延长。
- Component to wait a finite amount of time for the process to exit. 组件在有限的时间内等待进程退出。
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- Do not in haste, there is still a lot of time for us to go. 不要太匆忙,我们还有很多时间。
- This would allow him plenty of time for deliberate study. 这样的话,他就可以有很多的工夫作从容的研究。
- Does the contract contain suitable conditions to enable extension of time? 合约有否注有适当的延展服务条件?
- He made the cover of Time for his alleged part in the drug bust. 由于据称他在毒品搜查中有牵连,《时代》杂志的封面上也登了他的照片。
- He made an appropriation of USD20,000 for payment of debts. 他挪用20,000美元还债。
- As the extension of time, redound may be changeless, but yield came down. 随着时间的延长,回报可能不变,但是收益率就下来了。